The logs have started rolling in... thanks! ...and so have the questions. I have responded to everyone privately (thus far) but would like to put a sort of FAQ list out here. So here goes... Q) Do yo
As I look at my September 2002 QST, I see the following: 1) There is a contest related story thanks to W1WEF. 2) There is a contest write-up and line scores for RTTY Roundup 3) There is a contest wri
Cabrillo allows, in simple terms, two major things (at least in the ARRL case). 1) Logs can be checked for format as they are submitted by an email robot and if accepted put into CM (configuration ma
It's time for the third annual trip to KP2TM for WPX SSB. Sure some people think it's crazy because everyone knows you can't win from NA due to the point disadvantage. That all depends on your defini