The Alabama Contest Group announces the Results for the 2013 Alabama QSO Party. Thanks for everyone's participation. Congratulations to the following plaque winners: Winner: K5YAA Gerry Chounard Plaq
Hey Everyone, The Alabama Contest Group announces the next running of the Alabama QSO Party (AQP) this Saturday, Jun 7th, starting at 1600Z (1100AM CDST) running for 12 hours. Operate any portion or
Well I will be leaving the house in a few minute to start my 2014 AQP Journey. My route will take me over 350 miles (that is if I don't get lost). There are 12 mobiles in the event--tied for the most
Want to thank all that participated this year. Even thought propagation was a bit off, I believe that we had good participation both in and outside of Alabama. I think 13 mobiles running around the s
Wonder what the best approach is for a interfacing a computer pan adapter to the 5000? I would like to integrate with N1MM as well as other software logging packages. Has anyone figured out how to us
The Alabama Contest Group announces the Results for the 2014 Alabama QSO Party. Thanks for everyone's participation. Congratulations to the following plaque winners: Winner: K5YAA Gerry Chouinard Pla
I am trying to put together a program for my local club about contesting. I was wondering how many of you are using a tribander and perhaps wire antennas for 40/80m? Who is using a vertical and somet
Thanks to all for the input and suggestions! I got over 35 replies! I have more than enough information for the presentation. My goal was to introduce this great part of our hobby to the newly licens
Hey Mark and all, It appears that the logs DQed on the current Blog is for SSB. I presume that the DQs for CW will be forthcoming. I was curious to know the number of Checklogs that became such after
The Alabama QSO Party will be Jun 6th, 2015. Rules and information are at We have a great line up of Mobiles that will be participating this year. In additional to thes
The AQP is scheduled for tomorrow Jun 6th starting at 1100AM CDST (1600Z 6/6/15) and ending at 11PM CDST (0400Z 6/7/15). This is a 12 hour event. CW, PH or Mixed modes. All counties are going to be a
First of all would like to thank the unselfish efforts of a few to put on this event. To name a few: Tom/K4ZGB, Tom/W4NBS, Tim/AB4B, Mike/NE4S, Ed/KJ4LTA, David/W4MD and all the countless folks that