Ok here my solution to the problem. If I don't subscribe to CQ ( and I don't) I will never see the results. If I win a cert or plaque I will never see it. So I will operate the CQ contests but never
How can there be a HP entry in the NAQP CW results???? The power limit is 100 watts max, or did they change the rules?? Call QSOs Mults hr Score Club/Team All Single Op HP KU1CW 518 137 8 70,966 SMC
First let me say that I don't have as much experience as most on the list. Second that I think this thread was mainly about the CW contest but the same happens on Phone. I being a small pop gun stati
Ok I have been following this thread and it looks like the only ones posting are experienced CW contesters, so let me give you a look from the other side, from a SSB contester whose CW speed is far b
Snip This is what we want and expect but I fear that it will not be coming for a while. At first I think all we will see is the listing and nothing more, unless Dan N1ND and his staff are completely
Hummmm I seem to remeber that I pay a subscription for NCJ each year. Why is the cost comming out of the general funds?????? 73 Rick KC5AJX __________________________________________________________
Hello Pete I hate to disagree with you but the youngsters do have a place to compete on the internet. They play games against each other or on teams ( SO and Multi-multi in contesters terms) on seve
You make a good point. The ARRL does more than just publish QST and sponsor contests. Some on here have suggested that we hit the ARRL where it hurts and drop our membership from the League, but that
Oh yea great idea. We get the results free in QST or free on the website. Now they want to publish the same info and charge us how much for it?????? Putting on the web site with more info than we ge
I may have read this wrong. I think when they took the DXCC listings out of QST they came up with the DXCC yearbook ( or something like that) if you wanted to know who made the DXCC list that year y
Well after reading, and writing a few, post on the ARRl decision to post the contest results on the website. I went to the ARRL web site to see if I could find any info. I didn't find out what the fu
Below is a copy of an email I sent to Mr Hollingsworth after the posting on the ARRL web site of the letter sent by Mr Hollingsworth to K3NM and the proposal of making the ARRL band plan a rule. Mr H
Hello All I have a sick TS-940 that I will have to send to a shop to be repaired. While it is there I figured that the repair guy would do a better job of wiring in the SSB filter that I would do. I
Hey Mike I agree with you. We have to many catagories in contests. The FCC narrowed down the license class now we need to narrow down the contest classes. Single op low power ( everyone where the pow
Hello all I am considering upgrading to extra class just for the extra frequency privileges. I have been told that upgrading would give me a shorter call an thus it would be easier in contests. I hav
Thanks to all that responded to my question. I received 23 answers all but 2 went though the email list. There might have been more if the server hadn't gone down :) I think I made it sound like I ha
Hello Mike In the ARRL 10 meter contest in 98, when I was still a Tech+, I had great conditions from Texas to both EU and JA. I was running 100 watts and a vertical and running both ways. I had a EU
Sorry I deleted the original message. But I believe the person wanted to know what incentive there was in being unassisted vs assisted. IMHO by starting out as unassisted you work on your operating s