--0-1027481704-1011826042=:58362 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii All: Anyone ever locate an up-to-date listing of ARRL SS records? I was considering going through my old QSTs and compiling
My opinion only: The RTTY guys get little sympathy from me after numerous events over many years in which I am firmly planted on ~14060 +/- (or 7060 or 21060) during SS CW and get ran off by an unkno
All: I need help with my logging software. I have never had this problem before, but I have always used WIN 95 and WIN 98. Now with WIN 2000, I cannot get the PCs to network. I have verified connecti
Many thanks to all that answered. After some interesting research and a few days of head scratching, the old saying "read the manual" still holds true. It was a miss config in the software's station
All: I have not read every email pertaining to this thread so I may have already missed this answer. During the WPX SSB contest in March we had ~400 JA QSOs. Several were multi-band qsos w/ the same
Hello Sprinters: My contribution to the next cw sprint will likely be small. My station has shrunk to about 1KW into a R7 vertical. No 80 meters unless I come up with some antenna. Anyone need anothe
Hi Gang: Yes, the next NCJ deadline is rapidly approaching! I am always hoping to receive your emails allowing me to inform the contest community of your travel plans for the upcoming contests. The N
QSLs!! The most favorite aspect of our hobby, right? Here is the survey question... I go on a contest-pedition to a common zone 8 country and work 2200 stns during the CQ WW DX CW contest. Being chea
Maybe this message should have been posted a few hours later, then the message origination date would have read April 1st. de kn5h __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Ge
All: Dont forget to get on and work the mobiles this weekend during the CW county hunters contest. Always a good event to keep your station in tune between the majors. 73 de KN5H ____________________
I suffered through a CQ WW DX CW contest from Jamaica with a TS 570 (not a DG). The cw keying worked fine, the rest of the rig was BAD NEWS. We brought it as a backup, and had to use it after the TS
All: My new QTH has a large 3 acre soon-to-be irrigated parcel. I am able to plant my tower most anywhere in or around this area. Has anyone any specific knowledge of the benefits of having a yagi ov
All: Need info from anyone with experience in making a 3 ele tribander fit in a golf club carrier. Also curious about past successes with ski bags. Do they work? Cushcraft used to manufacture an expe