- 1. [CQ-Contest] wpx certificates (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Wed May 31 19:20:25 2000
- who was handling the wpx certificates? please answer direct Ernesto Grueneberg LU5CW mailto:lu5cw@geocities.com http://pagina.de/lu5cw http://badpower.com.ar _________________________________________
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/2000-05/msg00114.html (6,628 bytes)
- 2. [CQ-Contest] ARRL DX exchange (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Thu Feb 18 12:06:44 1999
- regarding 5nn ttt I recall many years ago in the contest rules it read that if you were using over 1kw you could either send RST+999 or RST+000 Anyone that :) old can confirm that? Ernesto Grueneber
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1999-02/msg00004.html (7,891 bytes)
- 3. [CQ-Contest] SS-LOG Super-Check (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Mon Feb 8 20:52:39 1999
- OK, let´s say this is a sending error, I guess you have almost the same amount of this kind of error as anybody else. So, there´s no point in your worry. 73 Ernesto Grueneberg - LU5CW (e
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1999-02/msg00034.html (7,563 bytes)
- 4. [CQ-Contest] SS-LOG Super-Check (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Mon Feb 8 20:52:44 1999
- I disagree. I feel the guys trying to get a pin, certificate, improve last year´s score want it to be fair. They can buy a pin or print their own certificates, the fun is doing it the right wa
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1999-02/msg00035.html (10,901 bytes)
- 5. [CQ-Contest] ARRL DX Records (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Mon Mar 1 22:12:59 1999
- BTW there´s any page with DX records? Ernesto Grueneberg - LU5CW (ex LU2BRG & LU6BEG) < mailto:lu5cw@geocities.com> LU5CW homepage < http://pagina.de/lu5cw> LT1F homepage: <http://badpower.com.
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1999-03/msg00008.html (6,481 bytes)
- 6. [CQ-Contest] IDing (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Fri Jul 17 18:53:26 1998
- Hello to all If you're worrying about the need to ID your station every end of TX, think about this. Here we are required to sign both calls EVERY over. Of course no one does... Also, if you are a gu
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-07/msg00160.html (6,845 bytes)
- 7. [CQ-Contest] own country 0;other 3 (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Tue Aug 4 01:05:06 1998
- Hello. This thread has been very interesting to me. I don't agree with N6TJ's suggestion. I believe that if this issue is so popular here in the reflector is because many US stations go on DXpedition
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-08/msg00067.html (7,503 bytes)
- 8. [CQ-Contest] CQ-WW-CW Date ?? (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Tue Aug 4 01:05:25 1998
- I believe many DX stations will be upset about that comment. I believe the contest would be REALLY FUN without any DX active. eh? Ernesto LU5CW -- CQ-Contest on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/_cq-co
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-08/msg00068.html (7,546 bytes)
- 9. [CQ-Contest] A modern Multi Single or.........? (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Wed Aug 12 14:14:40 1998
- If I see this correctly, 5B4WN claims P3A was working with more than 1 signal at the time on the same band. This should be easy to check. The log would be 1 ssb qso, 1 cw qso, 1 ssb qso, et cetera. S
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-08/msg00198.html (8,853 bytes)
- 10. [CQ-Contest] WAE & QTC's (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Thu Aug 13 23:00:48 1998
- The problem I had during this contest is that when i'm trying to get a weak station's call someone will send with a 599+ signal -QTC? That's annoying! Ernesto Grueneberg - LU5CW (ex LU2BRG & LU6BEG)
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-08/msg00232.html (8,355 bytes)
- 11. [CQ-Contest] WAE - an opinion (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Fri Aug 14 21:39:05 1998
- The Sop category is only 36 hrs. 73 Ernesto Grueneberg - LU5CW (ex LU2BRG & LU6BEG) <mailto:lu5cw@geocities.com> LU5CW homepage <http://lu5cw.base.org> LT1F homepage: <http://badpower.com.ar> -- CQ-C
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-08/msg00250.html (8,430 bytes)
- 12. [CQ-Contest] sodium gas lamps noise (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Mon Oct 26 21:01:30 1998
- This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0007_01BE0123.CE227380 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello group. At our station a very
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-10/msg00012.html (9,357 bytes)
- 13. [CQ-Contest] SA team for cqww cw (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Fri Oct 30 21:17:29 1998
- hello contesters. I am setting up a South America team for the upcoming cqww cw. If you operate from South america and would like to join the team, send me an e-mail. good luck Ernesto Grueneberg - L
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-10/msg00064.html (6,668 bytes)
- 14. [CQ-Contest] Why CQWW scores "change" PART II (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Sun Nov 8 13:57:05 1998
- Even if the comittee does sometimes remove a good contact, I won't complain. This is the only contest where the logs are checked at all. For instance the WPX is terrible. I recall one particular year
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-11/msg00117.html (7,483 bytes)
- 15. [CQ-Contest] SA team (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Sun Nov 8 15:03:04 1998
- I still need one more op for the SA team (although can be from southern central america too) Anyone interested send e-mail to lu5cw@geocities.com Ernesto Grueneberg - LU5CW (ex LU2BRG & LU6BEG) <mail
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-11/msg00118.html (6,585 bytes)
- 16. [CQ-Contest] teams for cqww cw (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Tue Nov 10 20:25:54 1998
- hi. Team SA #1 is already complete. And #2 is almost complete. If you're operating from south america and want to join a South America team, please drop me an e-mail Spanish translation El team SA #1
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-11/msg00143.html (6,831 bytes)
- 17. [CQ-Contest] CP6AA photos (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Thu Dec 10 21:04:54 1998
- Hello group. I have uploaded some photos of the CQ WW CW CP6AA operation by my good friend mats LU9AY. You can see them at: http://members.xoom.com/lu5cw/cp6aacw.htm Best 73 and see you this weekend
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-12/msg00053.html (6,723 bytes)
- 18. [CQ-Contest] ZW5B vs LT1F vs LT3C (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Thu Dec 10 21:05:05 1998
- Hello. I have added LT3C to my ZW5B vs. LT1F page. Guess this will be the top 3 stations for 10 meters in CQ WW CW. Can see it at: http://members.xoom.com/lu5cw/zw5bvs.htm Ernesto Grueneberg - LU5CW
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-12/msg00054.html (6,755 bytes)
- 19. [CQ-Contest] ARRL 10 rules (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Tue Dec 15 22:43:11 1998
- After this year operating from LU6ETB MS, I believe the point system is obsolete for this contest. Twice the points for CW is too much difference. I propose 3 for CW and 2 for SSB. Besides, what&acut
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-12/msg00118.html (6,754 bytes)
- 20. [CQ-Contest] Nostalgia (score: 1)
- Author: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
- Date: Thu Dec 24 00:29:32 1998
- Wouldn´t say impossible (maybe some DXer works for NSA...) but it´s harder to break PGP code than fake a piece of paper. Ernesto Grueneberg - LU5CW (ex LU2BRG & LU6BEG) < mailto:lu5cw@ge
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-12/msg00208.html (8,266 bytes)
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