In a followup filing, he explains that opening up the bottom of 2m and 6m to, "symbol communications" would somehow stimulate the use of those bands. Oh, and the narrative of the proposa
I used a Steelseries Merc Stealth gaming keyboard for a while, because of the programmable buttons, but gave it up due to realizing I was more dependent on the Ins/Home/PgUp/PgDn/End/Del key block (n
I'll repeat two ideas I've shared every time the subject has come up the past few years: Complex: If you wanted to make the scoring more "fair", in the sense of scoring contacts based on relative dif
I'm not an expert, but here's my $0.02 worth: In the very short term, RM-11708 might actually improve matters. Existing Winlink traffic will partially shift to higher-speed Pactor 4, and less on-air
More experienced people than I have chimed in, but FWIW, if your circumstances dictate one wire antenna, I'd consider a fan dipole if contesting were your focus, or either a Carolina Windom or a clas
I am leery of trying to argue against RM-11708 or for bandwidth limits using the statements like "Pactor ops step on RTTY ops". Subject to the CW/Data vs Phone/Image divide, I'm sure that for any two
While I hate to say it, the regulators' response to the "keeps banging away" question would be to point out Part 97 already prohibits willfully or maliciously causing harmful interference, and requir
I won't repeat the points others have raised in response...but I would like to challenge one assumption -- that operators have an advantage over builder+operators. In the US, a growing number of hams
Given this thread, and the talk about the challenge of maintaining an online database of contest stations, an idea just occurred to me: What about a station-building/station-design contest? Entrants
I'm not an expert, and I'm not a contest sponsor, but I can offer one thought that might help: Consider how the contest might treat contacts with/logs from stations licensed by the de facto authoriti
You know, for one of my radios, there is a piece of CAT6 cable that connects the control unit (into which I plug paddles, headphones, and on rare occasions a mic) with the main body of the transceive
Actually, I think the difference of opinion boils down to two pieces: Ignoring those contests/events where part of "the object" is for someone to physically go to someplace interesting and operate a
I was wondering something similar. I popped in and out of the RDXC a bit this year, just playing a little in between tasks that weekend, and trying out the feel of remote-control contesting. I didn't
Keep in mind EA8's aren't banned from RBN. It's just that W3LPL doesn't repeat them as classic spots, because they aren't uncommon. A significant amount of email could be generated discussing the pro
My personal preference is that the results be announced as quickly as reporting deadline and log-checking resources permit. There are, however, two factors that might somewhat justify a delay in that
I take the comment, "we remote-capable stations are not trying to fool anyone or gain some sort of geographical or unfair advantage" to mean that most remote operators are upfront about where their s
I really shouldn't join in the armchair lawyering, but I can't resist tossing this out into the sandbox: Part 97.115(a)(2) (part): No station shall transmit messages for a third party to any station
It might be helpful if, when considering changing the rule, the rule-makers considered what it is that they're trying to accomplish with the recordings. The current rule states that a recording must
I play in contests to have fun. When I play in contests, I only really seek to maximize my fun. When the contest is done, my entry class will correspond to how I sought to maximize my fun, even if my
My 2 cents' worth: I use two 29 inch 21:9 monitors in my shack. The monitor size was selected because of the available space on my desk (gap between shelf above transceivers and hutch above). A small