If you aren't able to e-mail a Cabrillo file of your WPX SSB log, there's a new option available. Bruce Horn, WA7BNM has created a web-based tool you can use to create and e-mail a Cabrillo format lo
Many contesters have encountered errors when trying to send their logs to <cw@cqwpx.com> or <wpxcw@kkn.net>. The robots are not working correctly. We hope to have this corrected by Thursday, June 3.
The Cabrillo log robots for WPX CW logs are now working correctly. If you have been submitting your log and have received some form of error message or have received no response (no tracking number),
For all you last-minute-makers-of-reservations, a reminder that the cutoff for getting on the list for this event is Friday, April 7. We hope to see you there. The Northern California Contest Club is
The Northern California Contest Club is pleased to announce: **1st Annual International DX Convention Contest Dinner** The dinner will take place on Friday, April 9, 1999 at 8:00 p.m. (cash bar opens
This is a reminder that next Monday is the last day you can order tickets for this event. The Northern California Contest Club is pleased to announce: **1st Annual International DX Convention Contest
The Northern Calif. Contest Club has been sponsoring the California QSO Party since 1974 -- this fall's contest will mark the 25th CQP anniversary for NCCC. The club has worked long and hard to put C
The Northern Calif. Contest Club has been sponsoring the California QSO Party since 1974 -- this fall's contest will mark the 25th CQP anniversary for NCCC. The club has worked long and hard to put C