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References: [ 27 ]

Total 27 documents matching your query.

21. May Sprints (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Wed Apr 21 08:40:55 1993
2. Although the Sprint has had the same format since inception, I fail to see how it is any more or less boring than any other domestic contest. In its current format, I agree. But, do we want the Sp
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-04/msg00125.html (7,152 bytes)

22. another contest complaint (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Fri Apr 23 08:25:26 1993
Oh, cmon ! I have never heard anyone start a contest that early ! In the few mins prior to the Sprint, it may sound like the contest has actually started, with lots of people exchanging 599+ and nam
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-04/msg00148.html (6,943 bytes)

23. Re; How about this (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Thu May 13 08:37:02 1993
Maybe from the east coast, the basic attribute to winning DX contest scores is the ability to press F1 ......, but from out here, the so-called lost arts are extremely important. Instead of limiting
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-05/msg00082.html (7,454 bytes)

24. 100 Watt Contesting (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Fri May 14 14:13:39 1993
For domestic contests, such as SS, a 100 watt power limit will clearly do the job. The issue of contest participation is another issue. Allegedly, the playing field will be made more level. The 100 w
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-05/msg00109.html (7,649 bytes)

25. Handicapping (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Mon May 24 11:37:57 1993
I don't want to see this discussion go on forever, but ..... Maybe KM9P has the right idea with his single-op contest season ratings that used to be published in the NCJ. We are never going to come u
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-05/msg00165.html (6,969 bytes)

26. NQ0I Loses PRB-1 Antenna Case (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Wed Jun 9 11:51:37 1993
A Federal Appeals Court has upheld a 35 foot height limit in Boulder County, Colorado. Unfortunately, this decision is likely to have far-reaching implications. I have posted the text on netnews in r
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-06/msg00041.html (6,442 bytes)

27. Phased Delta Loops (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Mon Jun 21 08:30:19 1993
I am considering putting up a pair of phased 80 meter delta loops, spaced 1/8 wavelength, fed 135 degrees out-of-phase. In order to get the phasing relationships right, I need to be able to measure t
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1993-06/msg00125.html (6,846 bytes)

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