I'll bite, but perhaps I'm missing something. If the above is the case, what then, what does having 2 different band data jacks on this rig accomplish? I'm still going to have to have another rig sit
are over 50 years old.<< Yep, because vast majority of the US hams are over 50. I think the legalization of automatic self-spotting is the only rational answer. Blake N4GI WWYC #36
<<<There is no skill involved in watching a packet screen to tell you what frequency to go to and find a contact.>>> There has to be some skill required, because 90% of the spots during contests are
Say, how is everyone getting sound card voice keyer audio to a DXDoubler box? Of course a straight-through "Y" connector doesn't work here. Opto-isolater, x-former, or something?? A simple circuit de
My titan PS on the floor is wonderful on the toes on our chilly 50 degree FL winter nights. Don't wiggle the toes under the red wire though. Blake N4GI
Nobody looks there. As an example, I just yesterday go another QSL card (no SASE) forwarded to me yesterday from my 1+ year old address! I guess it will stop when the USPS stops forwarding my mail. I
Author: "Blake M. Meinecke" <n4gi@tampabay.rr.com>
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 22:28:51 -0400
I open every email I get with the word "Models" in the subject line :-) I usually trust blonde models a bit more though. Blake N4GI -- The world's top contesters battle it out in Finland! THE OFFICIA
I've got things set up the way you do, and asked the same question a while back. The conclusion is that it's impossible to disable the software TX audio routing feature in writelog. I just made a "Y"
I've got a tortoise-like phoneSS rate-sucker to add: 4) Using phonetics for the "middle" callsign in the exchange. This practice can double the exchange time when working someone with a bigger callsi
This stuff is starting to sound like one of Stephen Hawking's theoretical physics novels... Blake N4GI -- The world's top contesters battle it out in Finland! THE OFFICIAL FILM of WRTC 2002 now on pr
I had exactly the opposite happen. While CQing on 28.066 in the 10m test last weekend, I got an e-mail from a ham in Canada (rates were slow...) (a VE1) who said he had his CB on CH16 and could hear
Before this gets out of control... It wasn't a CBer, it was a licensed, cw-copying ham who contacted me. He just happened to have a CB on. Thanks to everyone for the tips, I'm now certain that I've g
<<E as normal I as normal 4 as normal H <added delay> Q as normal>> This is a real rythym breaker for me (especially when tired...). I'd be more likely to bust a varying speed call (exchange, report
ensuing This one might be legitimate, but why wait till afterward?? I do it when it's still fresh in my head (after a break, or between the next band change). ..... Or just look up the correct spelli
That's right folks, armageddon is looming. Tell you what Lee (and any others): I can help in this time of gloom! Send your new rig(s) to my call book address if you want. Oh, I'll take those pesky a
A monkey with a computer connection and thousands to spend on radio gear, maybe. Could somebody forward me this monkey's e-mail address.... I'm having a bugger of a time setting up my MK-V for the d
This is taken care of in some logging/packet cluster software. In the logging program I use, OOB spots show up in RED with an X next to it. 40 phone spots without qsx do show up this way too, but at
Also remember that this little jem has the unique "feature" (?) of sharing the PTT-in with the "dot" key line.... Incorporating this rig into the standard SO2R setup is quite a challenge. 73, Blake N