73, Pete N4ZR Check out the Reverse Beacon Network at <http://reversebeacon.net>, now spotting RTTY activity worldwide. For spots, please use your favorite "retail" DX cluster. ______________________
Here's the message from the author of Dr. DX. If you want a copy of HLRadio.exe for Windows, please write to him. Takes some setting up, but it looks to me like a pretty nice job. Pete, Please go ah
Amen, Steve - what a shock for those who hoped that changes among directors and new CEO who contests would improve things in Newington. 73, Pete N4ZR Check out the Reverse Beacon Network at <http://r
Do we know whether the new VY1s are permanent/semi-permanent residents in NT? It strikes me that an actively supportive attitude on our part down here could foster a couple of enthusiastic contester
I had 3 QSOs in the 1954 SS but unfortunately my old paper log doesn't show the full exchange. I was running a Heath AT-1 at 20 watts and a Hallicrafters S-40 receiver. My 1955 SS log only reflects
What Randy said. If you think that involving the CAC would render the decision process too lengthy and cumbersome, then change the process. 73, Pete N4ZR Check out the Reverse Beacon Network at <htt
When I started to advocate for a 24-hour category in CQWW, maybe 15 years ago, I had to endure a scorching by K3EST at Dayton for even having the temerity to suggest such a thing. Then a few years l
Did you know that over 40,000 different stations made at least one contact with the 8500 stations who submitted logs for the CQWW SSB contest in 2018? Without the non-entrant, casual ops, SSB cont
Yes, I had the same thing here on 15 at that time. I was debating what to do with the rest of my Sunday when it suddenly stopped. Before that I had rotated my C-3 tribander and did not notice any s
You have altogether too much time on your hands, Mike. Actually, it's not a bad idea, but they still need to do something about the CQWW exchange. With zones, it's just a callsign-copying contest.
Well, sort of. The WPX mults make for a unique profile. One could still use band/zones as mults in the "new CQWWCW". 73, Pete N4ZR Check out the Reverse Beacon Network at <http://reversebeacon.net>
I think that the rationale behind the CQWW rule is that looking at spots of your own station would influence/improve an op's decisions about band choice, antenna choice or direction, etc. To me, th
Thanks to Mark Glenn, K7MJG, the RBN beta site's world map now displays currently and recently active RBN nodes, along with spots. Red dots denote nodes that have made at least one spot in the last
A number of the RBN Node-Ops have asked whether/how much RBN-origin FT-4/8 spots are used during contests. I'd love to hear from RTTY/FT-4/8 contesters, particularly re: last weekend. Send direct
It is a beta site and obviously there is a bug in that function - I have informed the guys doing the programming. We're also still tinkering with the map, but in this case it's QRZ that's misplacing
I was just reviewing the ARRL CW DX Contest rules through the ARRL contest portal, and I'm confused. The Full Rules say. under HF Categories: "Single Operator and Single Operator Unlimited entrants
Something worth knowing - the *default* configuration for CW Skimmer Server limits CW segments to the first 70 KHz of each band , except for 160, where the top edge is set at 1840. Many nodes are st
Paul, N1SFE, the Contest Manager at ARRL, just sent me an e-mail, not copied to the reflector, saying that he had fixed the rules to make it clear that single band entries cannot be assisted. I'm gl
Recordings of most of my 1000 or so ARRL DX CW QSOs are available on https://qsorder.hamradiomap.com/ -- 73, Pete N4ZR Check out the new Reverse Beacon Network web server at <http://beta.reversebeaco
You're right, Mike - I hadn't thought of that aspect. I'll hold off from now on. 73, Pete N4ZR Check out the new Reverse Beacon Network web server at <http://beta.reversebeacon.net>. For spots, plea