In unison with Julius's thanks, I also am very grateful for the CA/NV Out If State Plaque for 2009 Also, thanks to K1KI, contest and plaque sponsors and all the hams in New England who make this a ve
Will be in North Central NJ June 4 to 14th ( Warren, NJ ) clearing up a Pasta/Pizza Deficiency ( the Italian food in San Diego sucks ! ) Anyone know of any DXer/Contestor club meetings within 30 minu *What do "SOLP", "SOHP", "SOAB", "SOSB", "M/S", "M/2" and "M/M" mean?* These are all abbreviations for contest entry categories: - SOLP - Single Operator
A friend e-mailed me that he has a 25AG section I used to recall Rohn 25G not a clue what an AG nomenclature means and if that means a Ham IV will fit inside section ? 73. Dennis ____________________
Was not able to book a room with 2 beds 1 hour after the gate opened so if anyone has booked a room for Friday and Saturday nites with 2 beds for DX Convention and needs a quiet - considerate non smo
Would like to know how you like the OMPOWER Amplifiers and associated remote control (over internet) software and hardware. Also, if you switched over from using ACOM or Alpha Amps and their associat