Hi Bob, I am not sure what rig comes closest to the TS870 today. Probably the Icom 756PRO if you are looking at HF in general. In the Kenwood lineup it would be the TS2000. 73s John NE0P have comes h
I can see the FCC soon eliminating the CW subbands. The FCC has already stated (not in these exact words) that CW is no longer important, and the NPRM is closer to W5YI's petition than the ARRL's. W5
And the dead years had the 756PRO series. -- Original Message -- From: "Bill Coleman" <aa4lr@arrl.net> To: "KE5CTY Bob" <rtnmi@sbcglobal.net> Cc: "'David Thompson'" <thompson@mindspring.com>; "'CQ Co
And reason 4 is that CW works much better on Aurora propagation once you get to 2 meters and above. I have heard SSB once on 2 meter aurora and it was virtually uncopyable. 73s John NE0P ____________
I think the majority of them run just fine. That is one problem with the internet. If someone has a problem with their rig, they repeated post it for all to see. Those who don't have any problems rar
Where is it written that everyone should become a ham? We seem to have this idea that we need to get as many hams as possible, so are willing to sacrifice quality for quantity. Most people will never
I have seen some very good prices recently on used Icom 756PROs, and wonder how they do as contest rigs? This is not the II or III model, just the straight PRO. The QST review gave kind of mixed mess
What is the life expectancy of Coax (type 9913 superflex and RG-213) in a high UV environment like Oklahoma? And how can I tell when it is time to replace it? 73s John NE0P __________________________
The 847 should have been discontinued before it was ever released 73s John NE0P _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing list CQ-Contest@contesting.com http://lists.contesti
Here is a topic for the list that I haven't seen covered here before: What do you consider to be the most interesting HF band propagationwise? For me, it is 15 meters, although there isn't much propa
YY0YYY? YY0QQQ? YY0JJJ? JJ0JJJ, JJ0QQQ, JJ0YYY or some combination thereof for CW. 73s John NE0P _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing list CQ-Contest@contesting.com http
If we want to go the other way, I remember working at least two 2 x 0 calls back in the early to mid 80s during contests. One was TU73 which was my first TU station ever worked, so I have his QSL as
Which radios are the best at handling and eliminating low band (80-40m) noise-both man made and natural? Interested in ones in the $1300 and less range. I am sure that the Icom 7800 or Yaesu FTDX9000
J3YBB is probably JA3YBB. _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing list CQ-Contest@contesting.com http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest
That is a good suggestion for a portable rig that will do nicely on HF. A used Yaesu FT890 would also be nice as it has the built in tuner (which is supposed to match about anything) as well as the b
Was doing it from memory and couldn't remember if it was JA3YBB or JJ3YBB. I will admit that the latter did seem to seem more right to me at the time, but the JA3 seemed like a more used prefix. I ha
I know that the best contest location has been discussed many times before, and I seem to remember that EA8 came out on top. But here is a twist on this-what is the worst contesting location, based o
I was surprised at the level of 160 activity for the contest this year. Seemed better than last year, and quite a few ops were able to pull out my terrible signal. Glad to see the top band is becomin
And didn't Shackelton or Byrd describe South Sandwich as the worst place on earth? I agree that they would not be very good places to operate from in general. However, in a contest they might be rare
I agree that any location in the polar zones is tough. I had thought of JW, OX, and R1FJ, but figured that their proximity to Europe would offset that a bit contestwise. In the southern polar zones y