Well, where's the beef? Er, where's the storm? Just as I had predicted, the bands are hopping, today. I live in a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. I use a dipole antenna. I am hearing m
I think that the attempt to post the following was lost in transition. I am sending it again. If you get two copies, my apologies. I am also updating it: Just as my original prediction ( http://hfrad
Folks: What an exciting time for radio enthusiasts! This past weekend's media hype about a major geomagnetic and solar storm was unfortunate and unwarranted. But, today, solar events have occurred th
At least an X10 or X11 class flare just occurred, peaking at 2049Z 29-X-2003, adding to the already dead HF conditions due to the CME passage and the Kp >= 7. This one is a short-lived flare. Quick r
A coronal mass ejection (CME) associated with yesterday's X10-class flare (peak at 2049Z 29-X-2003) impacted the Earth's magnetosphere today at about 1700Z 30- X-2003. Kp index reading show 7 and 8 a
At 1725Z 2-XI-2003 an X9.2 flare occurred. Radio blackout is in progress on the sunlit side of the Earth. Estimated time to recovery: 1H 14M. Flare was possibly from region 488. The >100 MeV Proton r
At 1955Z, 4-XI-2003, an X-class flare peaked from region 486. Initial data from GEOS 12 indicates that the flare is an X18, while GEOS 10 shows it as X17. However, there is speculation (i.e., Thomas
I have just finished a talk with Christopher Balch from the Space Environment Center, NOAA, regarding the super flare from 1955Z, 4-XI-2003. This flare saturated the instruments on the observing sate
The Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) from the X25+ flare of 4-XI-2003 should arrive anytime, today. It will be a glancing blow, yet there is an expectation that it will be strong enough to trigger a major
The CME from the X28 flare (4-XI-2003) has arrived at 1937Z 6-XI-2003. The deviation was a moderate 31 nT at the Boulder, CO station. We expect the Kp index to increase, possibly as high as 6. Right
123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 A weak shockwave from the glancing blow of the coronal mass ejection from the X28-class flare of 4-XI-2003 was recorded at about
The solar activity that took us by surprise during the end of October and beginning of November 2003 has me revising my outlook for the CQ WW CW contest period of November 29 and 30. I am now expecti
Geomagnetic activity is increasing, now, due to the influence of fast wind coming from the coronal hole located in the central meridian of the Sun. The rest of today's geomagnetic activity will be un
The large coronal hole that was predicted to move into geoeffective position by 11-XI-2003 has indeed, affecting the solar wind. The solar wind has been elevated since 10-XI-2003, with a consistantly
Old solar sunspot region 486 (now numbered 506?) is rotating back into view on the solar disk. At 1011Z 18-XI-2003, it produced an M4.5 flare, showing that it will play a significant role in space we
A severe geomagnetic storm is in progress at this time. As I write this bulletin, the planetary K index (Kp) is at 7. The Aurora Index is at 10 (maximum). The Bz (horizontal component of the Interpla
A severe geomagnetic storm (G4) is in progress due to the arrival of coronal hole mass ejections related to the returning sunspot group 484, now numbered 501. Some reporting stations show a K index o
Howdy, The high geomagnetic activity that occurred during the passage of the coronal hole mass ejection (CME) from 18-XI-2003 has decreased, and remained at low levels for the last few reporting peri
Here is my updated predictions for the CQ WW CW contest weekend (29-XI-2003 UTC and 30-XI-2003 UTC): The solar activity that took us by surprise during the end of October and beginning of November 20
Howdy, Folks. This weekend is quite active on the Amateur Radio bands. The ARRL 160-Meter Contest starts at 2200 on 5-XII-2003 UTC to 1600, 7-XII-2003 UTC, while the PSK Death Match starts at 0000, 6