Hello contesters As I was promised I would like to keep you informed that the USB -> Radio Interfaces are ready. We have done more changes. You can take a look at www.microham.com Thank you very much
Hi guys New microHAM website is available. New products added (SO2R) any many others improvements. www.microham.com Please, take a look. 73 Jozef OM7ZZ
Hello contesters I have finished prototypes of the several USB -> RIG Control Interfaces. Hamradio dedicated RFI-proof, low pass filters at the control lines. Each interface have radio port cable end
Hello friends Thank you for all answers. I got a many responses and some very nice suggestions. I'm now definitely decided to start the production batch. I will post a message after interfaces will b
Good note John. It depends on topology and purpose of use. If dual switch is used in lab or in the in-band setups (both radios operate on the same band), every dB matters. However, when switch is use
Jim, I am merely stating what I learned by studying the plots that W4TV sent me. Joe, W4TV didn't measure switch. He sent you plots I had sent him, made on professional HP-8714B VNA we still own. The