Wondering if anyone has a room reserved they won't be needing... Thanks, Julius Fazekas N2WN Tennessee Contest Group http://www.k4ro.net/tcg/index.html Tennessee QSO Party http://www.tnqp.org/ Elecra
The only problem with this Jim is that some logging programs will not allow you to log "invalid" stations, even more difficult if you don't have a valid exchange. Julius Fazekas N2WN Tennessee Contes
Thanks Bob... did log some US last night on 160, appears Tn IS needed ;o) Julius Fazekas N2WN Tennessee Contest Group http://www.k4ro.net/tcg/index.html Tennessee QSO Party http://www.tnqp.org/ Elecr
Dave, After a little help from folks here, it was easy to log all QSOs with N1MM and I did have a half dozen US QSOs. Actually, it turned out easier to log them than I it had been in the past, didn't
Don't know, but wish they had decided to play on 160 versus calling CQ JA on CW with only non-JA replies. If indeed it was them... The 160 SSB killed my run freq Sunday morning. Sorry "VB" whoever yo
I compliment him for his effort and apology. It's easier for someone new to contesting to make a mistake/error in judgment, than for a seasoned veteran to explain away the same thing. Too, K1TTT and
Lee, Mine has increased noticeably since Jan 1, even stuff from 2003 is starting to show up. Figure about the same rate as yours. SSB QSOs are taking longer than CW. Too, eQSL activity has increased
I agree with Jim on this approach. It's a tough decision, having dealt with it on a smaller level with the Tennessee QSO Party (shameless plug). My opinion is that it is difficult to compare radiospo
Hi Bob, The only thing I would disagree with is the Olympic medal analogy. You're talking about an event where the competitors play in the exact same conditions, which is not the case in radiosport.
If eQSL would make it easier to post county information, I would think they too would see a major jump in participation again. I like that about LOTW, but it's not useful for any awards. On the other
That's a good idea! Same for/as the certificates... would be nice if they noted a new record too! 72/3, julius Julius Fazekas N2WN Tennessee Contest Group http://www.k4ro.net/tcg/index.html Tennessee
Cool Ted! It will be fun to see who completes ALL of the counties on eQSL first, now small feat I'm sure! Something else that would be worthwhile is having the MARAC contests configured on N1MM, if t
If they change from wood to insulation, as many as I can get ;o) Julius Fazekas N2WN Tennessee Contest Group http://www.k4ro.net/tcg/index.html Tennessee QSO Party http://www.tnqp.org/ Elecraft K2/10
Hi Dick See below: I like this idea too... Silver Dollar size award medals would be neat. I'm not much of a pin man, did like patches (but those seem to be way too 70s now). I saw a New England QSO P
Yes, but will they tromp you from their station or by going to one of the super stations and kick your ass from there? Big difference in bragging rights IMHO... 73 and such Julius Fazekas N2WN Tennes
Hi Dave, I think there's still a desire to have something "tangible", versus something ethereal. several contests do distribute certificates via email or a link to an online location, for DX contests
What I'm reading implies that there is a misunderstanding between "participant" and "contestant"/"competitor". Anyone can participate Julius Fazekas N2WN Tennessee Contest Group http://www.k4ro.net/t
That sounds more like 10 or 15 meters Mike, not 160 ;o) Julius Fazekas N2WN Tennessee Contest Group http://www.k4ro.net/tcg/index.html Tennessee QSO Party http://www.tnqp.org/ Elecraft K2/100 #4455 E
What happened to the lower 10 KHz of 160? Is this now "no man's land"? ;o) Julius Fazekas N2WN Tennessee Contest Group http://www.k4ro.net/tcg/index.html Tennessee QSO Party http://www.tnqp.org/ Elec
Hmmmm, NAQP with Mobile Categories?! You're on to something Rick! ;o) Julius Fazekas N2WN Tennessee Contest Group http://www.k4ro.net/tcg/index.html Tennessee QSO Party http://www.tnqp.org/ Elecraft