Hi folks, I'm looking for a go/no go before I start the quest to install a switch to be able to turn off the AGC in my IC735. Has anybody else done this for this radio or a similar one to let me know
In the writeup of the Russian DX contest are log submission instructions that include in part: LOG: Separate for each band (the IARU standard log OK). Could somebody point me to a description of the
I asked about a reference to an "IARU log format" recently. There is no such animal. What is meant in the Russian DX contest instructions is to simply use a recognized format like those generated by
Author: Pete Soper <psoper@encore.com> (Pete Soper)
Date: Fri Aug 12 14:15:24 2005
These boys don't tend to share their call letters when they're calling "Sou-eee". But if they do, I agree: let's weed out the extra special idiots :-) I'm convinced the only solution is to pretend th
Author: Pete Soper <psoper@encore.com> (Pete Soper)
Date: Fri Aug 12 14:15:24 2005
My mail was about malicious interference, not over-reactions to QRMing by over-eager contesters. Listening to QRM of a net Sunday afternoon put me in a too general frame of mind. -Pete KS4XG
Author: Pete Soper <psoper@encore.com> (Pete Soper)
Date: Fri Aug 12 14:15:25 2005
Hi Folks, I'm finally moving the station from a second floor room, have built a ground window in the new location and have a pretty clear idea of handling everything except balanced feeders. Polyphas
Author: Pete Soper <psoper@encore.com> (Pete Soper)
Date: Fri Aug 12 14:15:25 2005
Most folks pointed me toward ICE. Their model 309 (low-med power, $44) or 309H (high power, $72 in '94) 300-600 ohm balanced line suppressor is available direct from ICE at 800-423-2666. It doesn't a
Author: Pete Soper <psoper@encore.com> (Pete Soper)
Date: Fri Aug 12 14:15:26 2005
I forgot to mention that Patrick, WB9IQI suggested I'd be wise to go through a distributor rather than directly to ICE. The one he suggested is MAI Prime Parts in Indianapolis (317 257 6811, 317 257
Author: Pete Soper <psoper@encore.com> (Pete Soper)
Date: Fri Aug 12 14:15:26 2005
Bob Wanderer, AA0CY, a consultant for Polyphaser, reported that his company doesn't provide a balanced line suppressor. He cautioned that such a suppressor, if it is designed to tolerate relatively h
Author: Pete Soper <psoper@encore.com> (Pete Soper)
Date: Fri Aug 12 14:15:27 2005
With all due respect, Charlie, and I think there are such things as "direct-hit-lighting-suppressors". Go visit your local TV station and ask them if they unplug all their feedlines during stormy wea
Author: Pete Soper <psoper@encore.com> (Pete Soper)
Date: Fri Aug 12 14:15:28 2005
Your replies to the reflector, our followup email, and the huge collection of reflector postings that Pete Smith sent have all convinced me that I need some kind of suppressor scheme closer to the an