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References: [ +from:ramco@netsync.net: 2 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [CQ-Contest] Re: Stealth Rules Changes (score: 1)
Author: ramco@netsync.net (THOMAS G. MOTT W2DRZ)
Date: Thu Dec 11 01:35:31 1997
K HMMMMMMMMM very interesting !!!!! did not catch the rule change, must be some people objected to single ops TXING on 5 bands at the same time with 5 recievers listening on each band as I used to do
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-12/msg00232.html (8,701 bytes)

2. [CQ-Contest] Obtain 1997 Jan rules for comparing the 1998 Jan rule changes !!!! (score: 1)
Author: ramco@netsync.net (THOMAS G. MOTT W2DRZ)
Date: Fri Dec 12 03:31:15 1997
The rules are listed on the site as follows: http://www.arrl.org/contest/announcements/jan-vhf.html select the correct rules ...FOR THE CONTEST IN QUESTION 1997 & 1998 JAN SS contained with in this d
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-12/msg00269.html (10,503 bytes)

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