I thought some of you might be interested in this NASA press release.. -- 73 de KK1L ex N1PBT...ron (rrossi@btv.ibm.com) <>< Ron Rossi H/P SRAM Engineering -- IBM Microelectronics --copy-- Donald Sav
I thought some of you might be interested in this NASA press release.. -- 73 de KK1L ex N1PBT...ron (rrossi@btv.ibm.com) <>< Ron Rossi H/P SRAM Engineering -- IBM Microelectronics --copy-- Donald Sav
I thought some of you might be interested in this NASA press release.. -- 73 de KK1L ex N1PBT...ron (rrossi@btv.ibm.com) <>< Ron Rossi H/P SRAM Engineering -- IBM Microelectronics --copy-- Donald Sav
The "?" seems also to be a contest QRL? Answering "KK1L SS" seemed like the right thing to satisfy both situations. -- 73 de KK1L ex N1PBT...ron (rrossi@btv.ibm.com) <>< Ron Rossi H/P SRAM Engineerin
This is sound card dependent. I run my heil into my soundcard whose output goes right to the radio. I run SBDVP with TR and I can record messages on the fly...truly a wonderful thing. The mic howeve
Same setup as TR. Jim the year before it was because all the power save features were not turned off on the laptop. Last year we might have lost 50Qs, but it was because the CW tent "HAD" to run on
Folks, The latest version of TRLog Free has been released. TRFree Version 1.06 is based on the very latest TRLog Version 6.69 and is fully functional except it only supports a limited list of contest
Something on E-Ham or some other non-contesting forum would be a bonus! Hey the QRP lists might be a good place too. Heavens knows we'll generally gladly spend the extra time needed to work them on S