That's right, Tree - you can't please all of the people all of the time. Especially on an email reflector where "Reply To All" is like an attractive nuisance. Don't let the stream of consciousness wh
And don't forget the rules change for multi-single entries: No 10 minute band change rule! Just no operator changes within ten minutes. One operator can make as many band changes as he/she likes, tak
I thought QSLL meant "I'll reply to your card when I receive it." /Rick N6XI Jim White, K4OJ wrote: Used to be QSLL was shorthand for QSL All ...will it morph into and abbreviation for" QSL via LOTW?
I have a problem with my TS930 and DX Doubler. "Everything used to work" before I removed the 930 from the station and reinstalled it a week later using the same Top Ten Devices prefab cable. The 930
Is anyone running Writelog sound card audio with a Top Ten DX Doubler or similar switching setup where the switch routes one channel of mic audio to the two radios? Writelog seems to want to route se
I'm also an SO2R beginner. I took it up mainly so I could write upbeat, encouraging columns about the experience for the NCCC newsletter. So if you get responses from the Great Ones, listen to them m
OK, Tree, your assignment for April is to make the trlog simulator simulate SO2R. /Rick N6XI I'm going to be in Praha with wife from 28th April until 5th May for rest. We'll be staying in "CHODSKA" h
At the 6Y2A multi-multi in the WPX last weekend, the combination of wind, surf and rain on the metal roof made it completely obvious which headset was the hands-down winner. On-the-ear sets like my b
I use "AT&T Global Network" to access my company through a virtual private network. In countries that AT&T serves, there are typically dozens or even hundreds of local dial-in numbers; sometimes an 8
You may get several different opinions, but there is only one correct answer - the kit-built Elecraft K2/100! ;-) At 5 pounds plus a switching PS (another 5 or less), it is one of the lightest and sm
Bravo, Trey! Great proposal. Keep working with CQ and ARRL to accelerate both online and paper publication. In business there is a truism that the value of an incentive is inversely proportional to t
Hello, Eric. The K2/100 is a full-power, high performance, contest-grade radio. Its receiver is better than the "big rigs" including my own FT-1000MP. The QSK is outstanding as is the transmitted voi
I have a business trip to Helsinki in September and would be delighted to meet some of you. I arrive Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 1800 local time and am free for the evening. Is anyone available for dinner?