Been busy getting the station QRV for the CW NAQP contest coming on Saturday. My 80 and 160 meter antennas needed some work that is normally done later in the fall, but they are now QRV. I met K5KA o
Was looking at the 3830 posts form last year's event - and remembering what the bands sounded like from South Dakota last year - in an attempt to form some kind of off time strategy for the NAQP on S
The final Stew Perry results have been posted on the BARC home page. You will also find the rules for the next running - which is on December 28th/29th. 73 Tree N6TR t
One of the things I really like about the TS850 over the "bigger" radios, is how well they sit side-by-side in a SO2R setup. I offer the following picture instead of 1000 words.
I would like to thank the 32 people who have sucessfully submitted their Stew Perry Logs using Cabrillo. This compares to about 85 logs received using the old method. I just downloaded these 32 logs
I would like to publicly congratulate Ed, KN4Y, for taking the Stewed Cabrillo challenge and overcoming his fears. Ed had no idea how to generate a Cabrillo log. He asked for help and figured it out.
While I am not sure about the connection to their professional lives, I fully agree with the concept of marketing yourself during a contest. This concept makes an obvious connection on phone - where
I think a good model for the contest results might be the Product Reviews. I think there is either less space for these, or more of them are being done in the same space. At the same time, the ARRL h
I would like to thank everyone who have made contributions to the WRTC USA Youth Fund. Dan Craig, N6MJ, has been selected to compete in the WRTC-2002 event. I believe he is the only person 25 years o
Just a reminder that the ONLY way to register a sprint team is using the NCJ web page at Click on CONTESTS and then the team registration page for the CW Sprint. This must be do
Well, there seems to be a general consensus that the people at the NCJ don't think about implications of their contest rules outside of Region 2 (or even the USA). It seems that two contests ended up
What? Another RTTY contest on the first weekend of February? This is starting to become pretty impossible. Also, I am probably not the best one to approach the FOCers about this. I am skeptical about
Sorry for the date problem - it is now fixed. Even though we have all of the logs sent in so far - you might want to resend your log just to make sure you have no other problems. Thanks! 73 Tree N6TR
Well - here is the situation as I see it currently: 1. There are two international RTTY contests on consecutive weekends. It appears that the XE one is less active than the WPX one - although you cou
Plaques have not been awarded for about 10 years now. Jeff was running out of wall space. We have been doing other things to try an encourage more activity, and I would have to say at this point, the
Mine was just a suggestion on things that could be done to help reduce the QRM. It seems that the Sprinters have taken steps to try to reduce the QRM problem. These are things that can be done by th
W4AA wonders: Sorry for the confusion. The 150W is the wrong entry. The rules should always take precedence. I will update the software that generates the score listings to fix this oversight. I thin
I sure would like to see any data to support this. I think any time you start guessing, you are going to have a higher error rate. Most stations that I know who have taken time to record a contest, a
K1TTT (is that pronounced K-one-thousand?) asks: Nope. 4.2 DX stations send signal report and power (number indicating approximate transmitter output power). a, t, n and e are not numbers. They are C
Don't be silly - obviously, he should put MW for one megawatt. Once again, the log checkers "did the right thing" or else they just don't have any backbone. However, I still think it would be a good