-- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) CQ-Contest@CONTESTING.COM by Trey Garlough, N5KO & Jim Reisert, AD1C March 31, 1997 -- Contained in this FAQ: 1. General Information about the FAQ and CQ-Contest@C
"It's not so much a question of the number of watts, but their size." Especially on 160 meters in places with a 10 watt power limit. --Trey, N5KO -- CQ-Contest on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/_cq-
Congratulations! This inquiry qualifies as a "Frequently Asked Question" which entitles you to a prize which I have attached at the bottom of this message. --Trey, N5KO -- Frequently Asked Questio
Since we are talking hypotheticals here, I would like to express some hypothetical concern about giving the east coast USA boys two 2-points per QSO for working each other on 40, 80, and 160 -- reme
I would base my decision on which amp I perceived to be best able to tolerate the duty cycle requirements of CQing all weekend, rather than which amp actually puts out more power. --Trey, N5KO -- CQ
Generally speaking, I think it's a good thing that a few of the ham magazine editors get on the radio and operate the occasional contest. --Trey, N5KO PS: Guess all the other mags better start hustl
OK folks. This is insane. I'd like to propose that henceforth people use the 3830@contesting.com mailing list -- the email list dedicated to contest score data -- for this type of traffic. Seeing a
Please direct such inquiries to the 3830@contesting.com mailing list, not to cq-conest@contesting.com. Many thanks. --Trey, N5KO -- CQ-Contest on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/ Administ
Even though I'm sure this material is interesting to some people, it is not germaine to the topic of contesting. Let's please try to keep the discussion more focused. Thanks. --Trey, N5KO -- CQ-Cont
I understand why some folks would view this sort of symmetry -- having one radio tune clockwise and having the other tune anti-clockwise -- as being useful, but I disagree. I think this is rather ak
Please don't cross-post message between cq-contest and other mailing lists. And if you are replying to someone else's cross-posted message, please remove cq-contest from the list of recipients. Cons
Exactly! I would never do this in a serial number contest, but in a contest where I am gonna send "5NN 10" 7000 times, I am not embarrassed to abbreviate it to "5NN AT". And besides, I asked LU8DQ a
The CQ-Contest mailing list has gotten a little more aggressive about dumping subscribers with unreachable mailboxes. If at some time you find you have been dumped from the list, don't be alarmed. Si
Come on George. Your not really serious are you? With all the prefix's there are now? I don't know that I would agree with K5TR that it's *easier* to dupe with a paper dupe sheet in the Sweepstakes
If you can type fast, computer logging is faster and less fatiguing. Maybe its faster for you, but not this op. Working on "imporving your typnig" is a worthy goal, but I believe that typing proficie
I will always remember being called in the 1953 CW SS by W4KFC, in the 80m novice band - I was KN2EIU at the time. That treasured QSO inspired me to travel along the contest trail, that I still hobbl
It doesn't sound so crazy to me. Only the legitimate QRP contacts are being counted toward the final score, not the QRO ones. The QRO contacts are part of the "checklog", not the *real* log. What's
As far as I know, there is no technical reason for configuring your paddle to make dits with the thumb and dahs with the fingers. I think it's just a matter of convention. When I first started exper
Come on George. Your not really serious are you? With all the prefix's there are now? I don't know that I would agree with K5TR that it's *easier* to dupe with a paper dupe sheet in the Sweepstakes
If you can type fast, computer logging is faster and less fatiguing. Maybe its faster for you, but not this op. Working on "imporving your typnig" is a worthy goal, but I believe that typing proficie