There is such a log analyzing software written by UA4WLI Look here The site is in Russian but the software is in English. I f you are unable to handle RAR files just le
Mike, how do you mark the QSO as unclaimed when submitting Cabrillo log. Cabrillo format as far as I know has no provision for that. 73, Igor UA9CDC QSO for __________________________________________
Greate snap shot! I have participated in this show many times both as Run and Mult op 73, Igor UA9CDC works like _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing list CQ-Contest@con
I just wanted to congratulate all the winners of Russian DX contest. This contest has grown to be the second biggest after CQWW as far as number of submitted logs is concerned. It has even surpassed
log what what is in do you a don't bother use his require us to I will, In the case above that UA9S station will send /9 in the end of the call. (rightly 17 and penalized Here is an example from rea
them I only worked 3 different 9 STW. Two of them gave zone 16 and one - zone 17 May be CQWW sponsors in anticipation of that should relocate all of the UA9 STW to Europe? That seems quite logical g
This is sort of trap. I have followed the link genuinely hoping to see the results. Instead I had to listen to Hungarian music for almost five minutes an it made my computer to freeze. Could you plea
Exactly... Ural Contest Group (UCG) has been organizing and hosting WRTC like competitions for the last 5 years. In fact I think we went one step further. We provide participants with the same anten
Thanks for the URL Dave. I remember the story pretty well. I was operating from the Soviet Arctic as EK9C/0 that time and was trying to help by monitoring bands and attempting to get information from
Rules state that only Cabrillo logs are excepted. Paper log only for check. But HADX is NOT specified in Cabrillo standard So what is exactly called CABRIL
Russian DX Contest is less then in two weeks from now. This is the second biggest after CQWW as far as number of received logs is concerned and it is only 24 hours. Mixed mode all bands high rate fun
I have been in touch with UU5MAF at the time the op of EM5U. He did not use cluster in the contest and did not ask KL7WA aka UT5UGR to spot him. So I think that was unsolicited cheerleading. 73, Igor
The more the better.... I just thought that wa7bnm real time score board could be used to follow the competition between North America stations. In that respect woul be interesting if scores could be
20 Nothing personal butI was always wondering why people set up such a messages. The most important part of that is the call sign. That is what I am trying to copy through the QRM, QRN and fadings.
Funny enough Juhha, you did not include HQ of your own country OH2HQ. Are they not going to be active? Another big miss is R9HQ :) There are also 9V9HQ and possibly others... Have a look here http://
Wally and all, This is not a coincidence but rather or... :) The web site that you refer to has a policy to keep news on the front page for 48 hours. Then news that are no longer news go to archive w
Hi Valeri, Neither am I. But I like the idea of National Organizations competing with one another. I do not think DA0HQ used loopholes in the rules. They just used their available organizational reso
The thing is that HQ stations seriously compete at least here in EU. By limiting them the way you have described you take away the incentive to work own country. From the competition point of view wo
have I think what is more important, logging software shows you dupes and mult. I would not consider rig for contesting without computer interface. 73, Igor UA9CDC on _______________________________
This is the first time I hear about the existance of the Sanctioning Committee. What is it's origin? What are the goals and powers? Who and how has appointed it's members? Is this something similar t