Please let me into the secret of how take 15 years to get 5 years older. This is becoming increasingly important to me....... 73 Roger VE3ZI Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.mes
Well I use two of them - both with QSK and other changes - one modified with a single 3CX800A7 tube. I keep the power down to about 1kW out and they seem just fine. I have my grave doubts about wheth
I was brought into contesting through National Field Day in the UK. That was, and is, an out and out (CW only) contest, was by far my favourite event of the year, and I miss it almost (but not quite)
You know, I think you're right Bud! Can't find it in last year's rules either. The worst of it is that I can't think of anybody to blame! 73 Roger VE3ZI ______________________________________________
Some of you will know I am a contester, although almost exclusively on CW. I am also a 160m DXer. I was very disappointed last evening to hear many NAQP stations operating on SSB at well below 1840kH
I thank everybody for their responses to my post. The majority consensus appears to be that the band plan should be respected for domestic contests! It would be nice if this were to be written into t
.......... "In a few weeks when the CQ 160m SSB contest runs, I hope we don't have similar complaints about SSB operators below 1843 kHz." Well, I'm sure there will no complaints if the phone portion
That seems to be quite a good idea. Works fine for the US, works fine for ZD8 and most other places. Don't think it is very fair for Canada - I would automatically get 2 rare zones (1 and 2) that I p
"So why do I set my Windows computer clock to Casablanca time rather than UTC?" Because Microsoft apparently doesn't understand the concept of GMT/UTC - or more likely doesn't trust its users to unde
"Apparently doesn't work if your PC isn't running either XP or Vista. Advice on hearing these if running WIN2000 ?" It works fine on my machine running IE6/W2K. It also works fine using Firefox/Slack
" ... That means you would have to have filters for 6 bands times 2 or 12 filters. if you were running 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters.... " It seems to me that in principle one actually only need
There is some very convoluted logic going on around here. Reminds me of when my daughter asked for help on her class on Classical Logic, fondly imagining that it was remotely logical... Skimmer certa
"SCP only contains callsigns (that may or may not be on the air). It DOES NOT contain any exchange information." Well, sort of: The callsign is far and away the most important part of the exchange in
"Your point has been made clear long ago so please let it go now and let's rather hear the opionions of those contesters who haven't yet spoken. 73 tonno es5tv" Well this contester happens to agree 1
FWIW, the OED also says that 'Umpty' comes from the Morse dash. I would assume that is the noise from a Morse sounder ('relay') making a dash rather than any particular character. To confuse matters
"I have traveled to the Caribbean, Oceania and Africa for the last few decades. I usually end up carrying equipment for my contest operation or for foreign friends ..... ..... I am looking for anothe
But Paul, you have on a previous occasion said that the contacts I make from my remote station are not 'amateur-radio QSOs'. I connect to my remote station using an amateur radio (900MHz) link. No th
Although Northern Ontario (as defined) is by far the largest part of Ontario in terms of land area, the population density is quite low - well under 500,000 total. It does not include some surprising
I am sure this sentiment will be unpopular on this reflector - sorry. As I'm sure everybody knows, this was the weekend of the CQ 160m SSB contest. This has meant that the band has been full of loud
Sorry Dave, I don't believe that is the real problem at all. Of course the different allocations make things difficult. Of course it will be virtually impossible to secure the whole 200kHz worldwide.