Is it possible we're putting the cart -- or perhaps the manure -- in front of the horse? It seems to me that the Xtreme category is, at least initially, not going to fill to the extent the doomsayers
Hi Albert, I can certainly understand your frustration. Sounds to me that if he was DQ, neither you nor anybody else deserved the D4C multiplier anyway. As to the penalty, if you're not in the log, y
The no-spotting rule, IIRC, stemmed from the rule, that, since time began (in contesting, at least), says you cannot use non-amateur means to solicit QSOs. Using the Internet to place your own spots
Hi Marty, None of what you say below means that any contester is banned from objecting to rules. Dave is exercising his right, as protected by your First Amendment, to state his opinion. You equally
If the work of the MMSN is so important, why can't IARU grant it a frequency just outside the ham bands? (Like MARS.) If the work of the MMSN is so life-and-death, why would they even want to RISK ha
Hi all, When trying to set up TR for the FT2k, the FT2k doesn't appear in the list of supported radios. Often, rigs share protocols with other rigs. Does anyone know which rig, if any, I should choos
Well, with all due respect to my fellow SS QST author Steve, I think it might be unreasonable to impose on operators a duty to control what others may do. To take Steve's example a step further, what
Seems to me that the 5nnjtt station either isn't set up with a paddle or didn't realize how ineffective jtt is as a cut number. If you keep getting asked for fills, your cut numbers aren't working. A
While I can understand Albert's sentiment, dismissing everybody who doesn't understand the contest, many of whom are well-intentioned, thinking they're giving points to someone, as lids seems bitter
I should add, that it occurred to me there's a scenario where Albert's idea does make sense (just so you know I'm not totally picking on you, Albert). If you're blessed with any kind of a pileup, cho
I think it's inadvisable to assume, as Richard says, malice, even in Dave's scenario. I would suggest Dave's little pileups are guys who thought "Oh, he worked a W. Must mean that he's working Ws." I
I'm not a lawyer, but I play one on TV... If the FCC is making provisions for the license holder to not be present, then the FCC is saying that the licensee does not need to be present. The rule is j
I think the proper response to any contest organizer that castigates someone for not submitting a log starts and ends with the letter 'f'. No matter what level you play at, no matter how serious you
Hi Mark, I think I was pretty clear that the only callsigns filtered would be those of WRTC participants. This is ONLY to address the inequality that can occur when patriotic cheerleaders choose to s
It is easy for non-DX stations to assume that being spotted increases your rate. It does, but only until the number of calling stations becomes so large that you're left with a solid wall of CW tone
Hi Al There are two ways to look at the wasted time argument. The first is as you may have: priviliged prima donnas whining. The second, since this is the forum for advice on contesting, is as advice
As much as I celebrate the achievement of VE3NEA and his Skimmer for the assisted classes, I too am at a loss to understand why this is considered an acceptable rule for unassisted. How is skimmer di
Hi Paul, You aren't exactly being 100 per cent honest when you appear to single out the Internet. You have previously said that even all-amateur-band remote setups would go against your grain. In tru
The rule about early filing makes sense if you can get the majority of logs in on time. But I wonder if the rule about equipment, antennas and ASL is based on some idea that it is possible to deduce
Even so, there are so many variables in propagation that a guy with a kilowatt might be inaudible in Russia while another guy running 5 watts pegs the S-meter. Perhaps it has nothing to do with catch