Upcoming IARU contest this summer. I'll be away from home. No access to outside world from shack. None. Zero, Zip, Zilch, Nada. Small Tribander (1 coax) 40m and 80m inverted Vees. Separate coaxes. Al
Thanks for all the suggestions guys. Lots of private emails. HOWEVER, sadly I don't think I can use much information from most of them. Two emails contain an idea or two I may be able to implement. (
24hrs from now (Thursday evening local time in North America, 8pm EST June 30th in W1 or more properly 0000z July 1rst) will once again be the time to crank your beams north (for those in the USA) an
Can any of you that might be able to speak officially for this contest answer a very simple question for me pse? If I wanted to partake in the NS contests late Thursday nights would I be able to sign
But thats the thing Billthe NA Sprint rules (CW/RTTY) say that NB is NOT a mult. The eight Canadian multipliers are Maritime (VE1, VE9, VO1, VO2, and VY2); So, are the NCCC NS rules different from th
Barry, Personally, I wouldn't bother. WAE is not a rate fest, and there will be enough displaced zero's in New England and 100 other places Stateside closer to EU than you are, that you're just makin
I don't want to state the obvious, but I will anyways. I like to create discussion. As well as being a good op, to get to WRTC you have to either have deep pockets, live close to a big contest statio
Hey Tim and all, Mike VE9AA here. There are no secrets. 100w contesting on SSB is tougher than CW but still doable. I usually run 100w and can run a good portion of the time, depending on band condx.
I've just rekindled my interest in devouring NCJ's and have recently resubscribed at the first of the summer, (I have 2 new issues now) and also reviewing my ancient ARRL CD's from 1995-1996.(lotsa g
Not possible ! There is this K9 guy in California who constantly laments that it is categorically impossible to win contests from W6 due to their extreme disadvantages... Easy Jim, I am just kidding.
Tim, Good to see you active. Want to do better? You may wish to start following some advice given to you in the past couple months. I am not typing this sarcastically. I believe I (and others) have m
You're gonna wanna read this. I really liked Andy's analogy below, but let me give you a REAL example of something to think about. If I raced my Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla or Dodge Dart at the track
W1VE wrote: "This subject comes up about every six months on CQ-Contest.. .I'd said it'll go 30 or 40 messages before it dies down. Nobody will convince Paul that he is wrong. I applaud Paul for his
Hi Doug, Yes, I received one from a western EU'n on Monday. I told him that in good faith I just could not supply him with those #'s. I know I probably just lost 10 QTC's and maybe the original QSO w
As I told Bob privately, and I think most would agree, that QSB, compass direction of directional antennas or phasing/switching, Ionospheric polarization rotation can have a large effect on momentar
Mike, VE9AA replies: Matt and Martin are wise. I have been saying this for the past 2 years. Although I have little doubt that most WRTC ops are very skilled, there are probably still a few here and
Hi Doug, I am sure you'll get more technical answers than mine, but for what it's worth I run Single OP, Low Power SO2R here with a pair of Icom IC-7410's. No filters; no stubs. On the second radio (
Hi Doug, I am not a N+ (Network) guy, so I wouldn't really want to make an educated statement and any advice I would give would only be a guess. I know often I hear they don?t like running network ca
Scott, Sorry to hear of Paul's passing. I did not know him, but being nearly "right next door" ~175miles away , I would often would work him (or someone operating there) on the low bands. I'll miss t
Won't/can't answer your question Mike as I am not a USA op, however I will say I heard a few W's calling some DX between 7100-7125....and even one or two below 7100 calling someone rare. (I presume t