I am not exactly sure what you are looking for Ed,(or why) but yes, NV1N sounded pretty good compared to previous N1UR LP efforts. You *HAVE* to already know that when you have high stacks of yagis o
As much as I would really like to see all scores (and comments) (for WRTC and non-WRTC scoring contests) posted by fellas within an hour of the contest end to 3830, I will not fool myself into thinki
Has anyone ever done SO2R with no bandpass filters? I am looking to enhance my contesting experience, especially for those Sunday afternoon doldrums or times when condx really stink (no good bands to
I'll "field" this one. (see what I did there?) VY1AAA is one of Gerry's many VE callsigns. He's a collector of them, much like myself ! (though I think he has me beat) (I don't collect them for the s
Charly, Since bandpass filters are primarily used in SO2R contesting operation (or field day ie: M/M, M/2 type of operations), I have to ask..why would you need bandpass filters for the WARC bands !?
I have entered a LOT of contests in the past 5 years. (hundreds in fact-check www.3830scores.com for VE9AA) One of the main reasons (besides my own fun) was to get my call in peoples built-in brain S
Jukka, You did the right thing. Even in the days before LOTW, nearly any time I went to a rare VHF grid, (IOTA) Island or DXCC I would get requests for QSL's, sometimes with notes saying that I copie
If various receivers of the RBN are reading you as DT7H or IT7H, maybe you should be looking at your leading dits in your callsign and not presuming all the receivers of the RB Network are broken. Th
As we continue to look for land around the Maritimes for a small weekend cottage we occasionally come upon a location that has shorefront on saltwater, which really is not completely open water all t
Thanks for the comments thus far guys. I am alittle surprised I did not receive more, but there were a couple private ones that commented EXACTLY on what I was looking for. Special thanks to Dennis W
Hi Tom, I hope I was not one of those that left you hanging. If you read my 3830 reports from the 2 last sessions of the CWO, you'll see I tried SO2R for the vy first time yesterday. (with less than
This is about coax stubs. Sent this earlier to "Towertalk" then I thought perhaps it was better suited to contesting. Reposting, with some edits: I've seen the K2TR stubs, K1TTT page and have recentl
Thanks for the many replies so far. So today after I got home from work I tried just running radio A @ about 1w on 7.000MHZ and saw S9 on 20m and s1 on 10m. No change switching stub in or out, so I t
HI Peter, Thanks for your email. Are you SURE ? I am looking right at the K2TR page and also an excerpt I printed from (I think) K9YC or K1TTT and it shows on the 40m station, a 23' stub (1/4wl, shor
OK, hi, just saw your email now. They crossed coming across the Atlantic ;-) Mike, Coreen & Corey Keswick Ridge, NB Sorry it has to be the other way round, open stub at the 20m station, shorted stub
So if that is true Peter, what do I put on the 40m station to prevent 7MHz harmonics from appearing on 20m? Maybe I am thinking about this all the wrong way. I love to learn new things but I cannot b
OMG Bill-really? Well...I am not using the 10m stub. Let's forget that one for just a moment. I have a 1/4WL 7MHz shorted stub (roughly 23' or so and tweaked/measured vy carefully on my AA-230pro) on
Hi Bill & many others, Kimo, Dave, Jim, Peter, Gary, Gerry....I've forgotten a few. You are all very helpful and I am trying to wrap my head around this. I think I have to start from scratch and remo
So, vy late last night, just before bed, I had Radio A straight to the HF9V (multiband) vertical and Radio B straight to the ZS6BKW multiband horizontal dipole. I spliced in the T and the stub on rad
Hi Guys n Gals, I have been getting lots of help, but every other private email (it seems) I am getting is conflicting. Can I go back to basics and just ask this please: Do I put a 1/4wl SHORTED stub