VK8AA added: The 24 Mc band here is often hard to use due to some sort of sweeping signal which peaks somewhere to the SE from here & I have even heard the second harmonic of it on the amateur 6m ban
W4ZV replied to OH? (sorry Jukka, missed your call [on digest here]): Ten-Tec's high frequency VFO PLL divided down to 5 Mc as used in the Omni-6 is an interesting approach to dealing with phase nois
W4ZV replied to OH6LI: With the rather high concentration of amateurs at Nokia, perhaps something can be done about pushing designs & therefore the DSP component market to higher frequencies? ;^) 73,
I too found it interesting to read in the latest NCJ about the Dayton Contest Forum discussion on recording. Let me say up front that I increasingly record myself. I have yet to go through an entire
Whilst we're on the subject of recording, I wonder if anyone using ReCall (in my case, 2.4a on a K2 200-odd Mc Win '98 machine) has experienced "Can't keep up with conversion (mmdata acmstrconv)" err
W4ZV continued after AD1C's comment: I had a Z once - a 1Z9 (Karen rebels). Logged the correct zone, but lost the XZ mult, so I'd say they think the FP is totally bogus. I would expect calls like YU4
I just finished looking into the not-in-log contacts I lost credit for in the 2002 ARRL 10m contest. I decided to contact the stations involved as review of the recording I made of the contest after
LZ2CJ replied to ZF2NT's post about having lost about 40% of the Qs in his log for the 2002 LZ DX test: Only QSOs with stations who have worked at least two other participants in the contest have bee
Anybody know if K9TM can deal with logs that we force our logging programs to spit out in Cabrillo, even if those logging programs don't understand Cabrillo for that particular contest, or no templat
W9XR advised: The Green Hornet forwarded ypur message to me, as I have not subscribed to the mailing list for some time. I quit the list when they deep sixed every message I tried to post. I could no
Anybody ever have a go with this? http://www.mrx.com.au/d_cwcom.htm A "bandmap" can be found at: http://morsecode.dyndns.org/ 73, VR2BrettGraham -- The world's top contesters battle it out in Finland
N4HY responded to S56A's surprise at ON4UN's copying of 45 bauds Murray code through a 150 cycle filter: Though I have strong doubts as Mario, this one is not warranted. I will await with anticipatio
LZ2CJ provided this URL: http://www.qsl.net/lz1fw/contest Where one can find an example of a Cabrillo log for this contest, one line of which follows: QSO: 14000 CW 2003-11-22 1323 LZ1FW 599 SF UA0BA
Valeri: I do not know what wrong you see with Cabrillo example on LZDXC web site, but here is the sample of Cabrillo for WAE SSB which I do not see to be any different from what is shown on LZDXC web
Plenty of suggestions for NP3D. I'm unlikely to work NE NA on 80m, but if I was, I'd not be very pleased to struggle pulling a weak NP3D through or keep calling him in a pile up only to find he's rea
In addition to KV4FZ, KG6DX is back after some time in JA7 - he's very QRV on 6 & it sounded like Joel made a fairly serious single band 10m effort in this year's CQ WW SSB. Don't recall any other pr
Words of wisdom from KR6X: Spot stations during a contest when your true intent is to aid the scores of those who receive the spot over the spotting network -- never spot a station when your true int
N9QQK noted: Turned on the radio a half hour ago (Dec 20 00:20Z), and heard JA1BNW calling "CQ OK-RTTY". Worked him, and decided to play. Found a freq and started calling "CQ OK TEST" worked 7 JA's a
Anybody out there have any experience submitting their REF entry by email? If so, how long did it take for you to receive confirmation from them that they had received it? 73, VR2BrettGraham -- CQ-Co