- 21. Novice/Tech Shootout in CQP (score: 1)
- Author: zf8bs@twg.com (zf8bs@twg.com)
- Date: Tue Sep 20 13:14:15 1994
- One of the Northern California Contest Club's newest members, Jenny, KD6KKP, is going to make a serious run for the Novice/Technician trophy during the California QSO Party next weekend. In so doing,
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1994-09/msg00144.html (9,493 bytes)
- 22. California QSO Party. (score: 1)
- Author: zf8bs@twg.com (zf8bs@twg.com)
- Date: Tue Oct 4 09:58:08 1994
- So what was your QSO number with Jenny, KD6KKP? I got her sometime early Sunday afternoon on 15 CW, and it was #89 for her. I'm real curious how she came out, since I worked very hard to pump her up
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1994-10/msg00020.html (8,284 bytes)
- 23. Apologies/CQP (score: 1)
- Author: zf8bs@twg.com (zf8bs@twg.com)
- Date: Tue Oct 4 10:20:35 1994
- My apologies to all for a recent screw-up here that resulted in what was supposed to have been private mail to K6XO going out to the whole reflector. It was operator error, pure and simple! All I can
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1994-10/msg00022.html (8,385 bytes)
- 24. K8CC Voice Blaster Interface (score: 1)
- Author: zf8bs@twg.com (zf8bs@twg.com)
- Date: Fri Oct 7 23:27:41 1994
- Has anybody here built the Voice Blaster drawn by K8CC in the Voice Blaster documentation package? I just did, and am having some problems with it. First off, when using a LPT port, it appears to me
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1994-10/msg00050.html (8,062 bytes)
- 25. Follow-up on Voice Blaster Interface (score: 1)
- Author: zf8bs@twg.com (zf8bs@twg.com)
- Date: Sun Oct 9 21:29:52 1994
- Herewith, a retraction of my statement about the K8CC Voice Blaster Interface schematic. Dumb software guys, you know. It turns out the 1:1 isolation transformer is very much orientable, and I orient
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1994-10/msg00053.html (8,830 bytes)
- 26. LTA soundblaster software (score: 1)
- Author: zf8bs@twg.com (zf8bs@twg.com)
- Date: Wed Oct 12 16:59:21 1994
- On the Sound Blaster with the LTA Voice Blaster software, whatever delay there is between hitting the key and the message being sent is imperceptible. It might sound like crap, what with all the aud
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1994-10/msg00060.html (7,413 bytes)
- 27. VE's below 3750. (score: 1)
- Author: zf8bs@twg.com (zf8bs@twg.com)
- Date: Sat Oct 22 18:36:27 1994
- As a solute to the national drink, Rum and Coke with a lime (Cuba Libre) V31DX will certianly be operating CQWW SSB a little more lax than usual: we lost a tower, so if we sound a little out of contr
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1994-10/msg00099.html (12,110 bytes)
- 28. 40m Beam Design (score: 1)
- Author: zf8bs@twg.com (zf8bs@twg.com)
- Date: Wed Oct 26 13:38:46 1994
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1994-10/msg00105.html (6,300 bytes)
- Author: zf8bs@twg.com (zf8bs@twg.com)
- Date: Mon Oct 31 08:08:57 1994
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1994-10/msg00113.html (6,639 bytes)
- 30. SS Log Analysis (score: 1)
- Author: zf8bs@twg.com (zf8bs@twg.com)
- Date: Tue Nov 8 11:08:01 1994
- Watching all the discussion about which sections people had trouble finding, I couldn't resist going through my SS log to see which sections were easy and which were not. Here are the counts I found
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1994-11/msg00052.html (8,236 bytes)
- 31. CQWW Results from ZF8BS (score: 1)
- Author: zf8bs@twg.com (zf8bs@twg.com)
- Date: Sat Dec 3 22:42:39 1994
- First, the results: Call: ZF8BS Country: Cayman Islands Mode: CW Category: Single Operator, Low Power BAND QSO ZONES COUNTRIES EQUIPMENT 160 128 6 7 Alpha/Delta 80/160 Sloper @ 45' 80 442 12 29 Dipol
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1994-12/msg00017.html (12,912 bytes)
- 32. Fwd: Mailing list or file server error (fwd) (score: 1)
- Author: zf8bs@twg.com (zf8bs@twg.com)
- Date: Tue Dec 6 17:00:48 1994
- I think this is totally unfair to Steve Bolia and, if true, represents one person's experience only. I suspect there is much more to the story than this. I have had multiple exchanges with Steve Bol
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/1994-12/msg00052.html (8,115 bytes)
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