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References: [ +from:jmullen: 5 ] [ at: 5145 ] [ 2 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [ct-user] ADIF to CT (score: 219)
Author: jmullen at (Jim Mullen)
Date: Thu Jul 3 22:50:35 2003
I guess I was dreaming sometime before Field Day. Is it possible to 'import' ADIF files into CT? I thought it was but now that I look over the web site all I see is a C2A 'export' utility. All my Fie
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-07/msg00002.html (6,628 bytes)

2. [ct-user] Merge Utility and Windows XP (score: 219)
Author: jmullen at (Jim Mullen)
Date: Sat Jul 5 18:37:07 2003
Is there an updated version of the merge utility that runs under WinXP? I saw the message from Dave, K1TTT and Jim's reply but it references the same version (April 22, 1994) that I already have. Thi
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-07/msg00006.html (6,818 bytes)

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