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Total 9 documents matching your query.

1. [ct-user] CT9.84 CRTL F1/F2, MODE SELECT problem for VHF SS TST (score: 187)
Author: k1vu at (R Johnson)
Date: Fri Jan 24 12:10:09 2003
Yes, I agree. I like to keep track of the mode for many reasons, especially when I transfer the CT results into my main logging program. I wish we could talk Ken into adding a "D column" for Digital
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-01/msg00033.html (12,500 bytes)

2. [ct-user] ADIF to CT (score: 185)
Author: k1vu at (R Johnson)
Date: Fri Jul 4 14:36:48 2003
Hi Jim: First you can merge all of the separate CT logs into one large CT .BIN file using the "MERGE" utility found on the CT Web Site. This is what we used to do for our FD setup with non-networked
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-07/msg00004.html (9,897 bytes)

3. [ct-user] CT 9.90.006 available (score: 185)
Author: k1vu at (R Johnson)
Date: Sun Jun 8 12:10:51 2003
Hi Tim: I just checked out the DOS version of 9.90.006 and ALT-F1/ALT-F2 work fine here. In the DOS version of 9.90.005 there was the problem that you describe and I reported it to Ken and he fixed i
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-06/msg00009.html (9,742 bytes)

4. [ct-user] CT9.84 CRTL F1/F2, MODE SELECT problem for VHF SS TST (score: 185)
Author: k1vu at (R Johnson)
Date: Wed Jan 22 14:20:47 2003
They are ??? How come I can't run SSB thru the local repeater ??? You need to log them separately because the ARRL Rules say that the valid modes are CW, SSB, and FM (simplex only). CT has supported
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-01/msg00023.html (10,777 bytes)

5. [ct-user] CT9.84 CRTL F1/F2, MODE SELECT problem for VHF SS TST (score: 185)
Author: k1vu at (R Johnson)
Date: Wed Jan 22 18:39:53 2003
Hi Jim: I tried CT 9.85.001. CRTL F1/F2 still broken. No FM. A special TNX to Ken for adding the bands between 24Ghz and Light to the VHF TST's!!! Minor problem is the all bands above 3.4 GHZ log as
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-01/msg00024.html (10,154 bytes)

6. [ct-user] CT9.90.005 Still Broken for JUNE VHF Tst above 3.4Ghz (score: 184)
Author: k1vu at (R Johnson)
Date: Sat May 31 17:38:13 2003
ALT-F1/ALT-F2 not working properly. Can't use ALT-F2 to wrap from LHT to 50Mhz, you have to use ALT-F1 and step all the ways down thru the bands. ALL QSO's above 3.4Ghz log as 3.4Ghz and as a dupe if
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-05/msg00081.html (7,387 bytes)

7. [ct-user] CT9.84 CRTL F1/F2, MODE SELECT problem for VHF SS TST (score: 184)
Author: k1vu at (R Johnson)
Date: Wed Jan 22 20:33:17 2003
Yes, Don your right after a fashion !!! They are both Phone vs. CW !!! The ARRL VHF Contests broke the "Phone" category down into SSB and FM Simplex in order to attract the some of the new "No-Code"
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-01/msg00026.html (9,648 bytes)

8. [ct-user] New Version LoTW Released Aug 18 (score: 182)
Author: k1vu at (R Johnson)
Date: Mon Aug 18 16:27:20 2003
New Version of LoTW released today, Aug 18, 2003 Go to and look for tqsl-104.exe, V1.04rc installer (95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP) If you installed an earlier beta version, y
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-08/msg00044.html (6,576 bytes)

9. [ct-user] CT9.90.006 Broken for June VHF TST (score: 182)
Author: k1vu at (R Johnson)
Date: Sat Jun 7 15:23:17 2003
Hi: Just tested CT9.90.006 for the JUN VHF TST. Entered one contact per band (50 thru LHT) using same callsign. Everything worked fine until I did a "Writelog" and was blown out of program and only f
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-06/msg00007.html (6,870 bytes)

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