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References: [ +from:kh6nd: 4 ] [ at: 5153 ] [ 2 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [ct-user] FW: Does CT support M2 in WPX? (score: 221)
Author: kh6nd at (
Date: Wed Mar 5 23:45:06 2003
Phil, I second the motion for support of M2 in the upcoming WPX. I am also wondering if it would be possible to have one of the two stations set up with two radios and an Array Solutions SO2R master.
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-03/msg00031.html (9,322 bytes)

2. [ct-user] All Asian DX Contest (score: 219)
Author: kh6nd at (
Date: Fri Jun 6 18:29:51 2003
Early into last year's All Asian Contest, I discovered that CT will not allow entry of a non Asian callsign. Is there a two-radio version that does not have this limitation? In the June 2000 All Asia
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-06/msg00005.html (6,598 bytes)

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