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References: [ 2 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [ct-user] CT crashes (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 08:20:06 -0500
It would be useful if people reporting CT crashes would indicate whether they are using CT in "Windows DOS" or true DOS. I suspect most of these problems are in Windows DOS. I make a point of running
/archives//html/CT-User/1999-12/msg00072.html (7,025 bytes)

2. [ct-user] Fixing KH6DX/M6 (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 16:14:14 -0500
This call really screwed up my log. CT interpreted the /M6 as England, zone 14, 3 points. (He was operating mobile in ca.). Editing the suffix to /M, and leaving the zone as 3 (as sent) still appeare
/archives//html/CT-User/1999-11/msg00213.html (6,798 bytes)

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