What version of OS were you running on that thing? -- Original Message -- From: gminich@toshiba.ca href= George Minich To: karlnet@WISPNotes.com href= karlnet@WISPNotes.com Sent: Wednesday, November
Also, what was your config? Routing/Nat/Bridging/Firewalling? -- Original Message -- From: gminich@toshiba.ca href= George Minich To: karlnet@WISPNotes.com href= karlnet@WISPNotes.com Sent: Wednesday
I've been using the "preset". I haven't really watched things close enough to know if it is doing anything though. BUT, I sleep better at night knowing it is "on". (not) -- Original Message -- From:
Can you create a "backup" ap in this manner? I was just thinking of this because we are considering moving a relay point that 8 customers are pointed at. We will only be moving it about 3 blocks but
I have a PtP karlnet link at the end of a 10 mile trango link. The Karlnet link is about 5 miles and we get about 3.9Mbps but we have a "little" frensel clearance issue ;) NOC--trango~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
What are you saying Charles. If you set the data rate lower (say...5.5) you will actually get higher speeds? BTW, Any word on those licenses? :) understood
Ap-1000 -> Ap-1000....what should it be? say a 5 mile link, no polling, and say...an SNR on each side of 25 and a signal of -65dbm at each side. (unamped) earlier, Karlnet PtP
struck by lightning? So how do these flashrom units work? You just have a small ATX board that boots off a ide flashrom then throw in a few get you slower. [mailto:karlnet-admin@WISPNotes.com]On The
sounds kind of weak for an amped signal. Are you using an amp at the AP as well? But what distance are we talking about here...what do the RF calcs say and what is the noise floor? is grids
I've never had to reboot the remote, but I've had to reboot my laptop. I know it isn't a timing issue because I've tried it again 5 mins later and unless I reboot my laptop, no go. It seems like ther
I don't remember seeing this problem with the 4.27 clients. I know for sure, my 3.88 clients, while doing site survey work (walking around a roof or grounds) I'll lose connectivity completely and the