look for SC-4700 - go to NDIS -Charles I've got a orinco silver pcmcia card that I want to use with my APII. I have a available Karlnet license at license-it.com and have read the "Software Key Gener
go home, no one likes you anymore <g> Am I finally in?? What is the hot topic?? -- Scott Stevens 800-815-4682 scott@scottstevens.net orders@scottstevens.net support@scottstevens.net "Any Questions?"
that's an inaccurate statement it actually does, when compared to stock 11b - that is why you turn off polling for PtP links (e.g., b/n two satellites) 11b was designed for the LAN, with the intent
KarlNet TurboCell (which is what you have) is not 802.11b -Charles I keep reading in the trade rags about the lack of security with 802.11b. With KarlNet what should I do so that only the CPEs and PC
Don't want to jump in here, but Reggie @ KarlNet actually mentioned to me that the Senoa cards (the ones you sent), we a little weak on output -Charles FYI Just go off the phone with Karlnet test lab
tha's life yes, TurboCell is a proprietary protocol optimized for the outdoor WISP the best analogy, in terms of how KarlNet works on the hardware, is operating systems think of the stock Lucent har
Promix? Frequency can easily be determined I know that the System Access Pass Phrase (like the ESSID) is sent in Cleartext As for the Network Name, I'll have to defer to Doug for that one yes, IMO,
As in TC client, do you mean RG w/ TC? in that case, it's 16 -Charles Hey guys, Since I can't get an understandable answer for this question on the wireless list, I will try here. If I have a COR1100
yes KarlNet Satellites include for the RG SR-4000 - 1 user TurboCell Satellite/SOHO for the RG/Airport/AP-500 SR-4100 - 5 user TurboCell Satellite/SOHO for the RG/Airport/AP-500 SR-4200 - unlimited
wrong ROR's only talk to one other device COR's actually are set to either 16, 24, or 32 - really depends on the software version yup and NOTE: w/ the TC ISP Base, there is NO COST to up the number
what .bin file are you using? this was a problem w/ the 4.00 .bins - try upgrading to 4.02 -Charles --Original Message-- From: karlnet-admin@WISPNotes.com [mailto:karlnet-admin@WISPNotes.com]On Behal
give me a call again (I'm running around today): 773.457.0718 Charles has been trying to get this routing stuff through my thick head, and so far all I can do is make bridging work. Maybe someone els
c'mon, this is software (layer 2-3 of the protocol stack) - does any devices running TCP/IP talk to any other device running TCP/IP anything karlnetized will talk to anything else that is karlnetize
yes yes - SR-4000: list price: $65 Will it run the same >(KarlNet) firmware? yes successfully as a cheap CPE? cheapest of the cheap is the NDIS driver ($20), however, you lose a lot of remote manage
I can pick up a RG-1100 for $150 at any of several places (http://shopper.cnet.com/shopping/resellers/0-11644-311-6632196-3.html?fl=0& tag=st.sh.11644-311-6632196.sort.price), if I can add only a $50