That's the odd thing, Bill. It's the same pigtail. So, I'm left wondering about the antenna setup on the PtMP. I'll do some more signal testing with the Orinoco card and see if that is working as bef
Hi Tony, certainly. The results I reported before swapping the PRISM II card out of the PtMP side were in this environment: card (PtMP) running TC in both slots, PtMP in Base Station mode. The PtMP s
I've hooked my first RG/Karlnet CPE up to the network, and it doesn't work. I can connect to the AP using an XP laptop with an Orinoco card and see the AP the backhaul, router, and the Internet. But
The AP is running TC v4.02. The software on the XP laptop is the TC driver. Like I said, it connects fine. It's just when I go to the RG/SR-4000 CPE that I can't seem to get a IP connection, even tho
The problem was the wireless pass phrase was not set correctly. I didn't even know it existed. I do now. But now I can bridge, but setting NAT on the SR-4000 seems to not work. (Again, I'm sure it's
RG=Orinoco Residential Gateway (RG-1000 w/modem interface or RG-1100 w/o. See for specs on these devices.) SEC= Karlnet's Super Ethernet Converter software. Turns an RG-1000/1
Bill, I'm raising my hand to contribute. What do you need? I've got some information I'd like to put up there also on setting up the SR-4000 CPE (by the way, its working). By the way, I'm going throu
Dan, I'm using a PRISM II card I got from Tony (it's a Senao, Had some initial problems with it in my PtMP (I think I may have some problems with connector
Not a bad idea. As has been said before, it would be nice to get a contribution from the antenna manufacturers, as they stand to benefit also from increased sales. But a good idea, instead of waiting
Ok. It's been 3 days of calls, voice mails, and email, and no response from Karlnet, none, nada, nothing. Very ...well, enough to really piss a guy off. Norm a
Doug, it's not the time to replace the license that bothered me, it was the lack of feedback. I thought I was being completely blown off, and I hope you understand how some resentment would start to
I'd like to report that the issue is resolved, the license has been reissued. I appreciate the efforts, Doug. Norm Young the know on to an a I'm are I as []On [mailt
I'd be interested in the PacWireless 24dB antennas, some high gain panels, and a variety of Superpass sectors with the Orinoco and PRISM II 100/200mW cards. My 2 cents, Norm cable, we
My Karlnet reseller claimed (correctly, I believe) that it is something that you have to take up directly with Karlnet (it makes sense, in that it involves the creation of a brand new license, which
This looks like an interesting product (, the Soekris net4521. It looks like a possible substitute for the AP-1000 when used with the Karlnet flash product. It's only $237 as