Cool beans, Sam. Thanks for proving that I wasn't hallucinating (this time). At 07:41 AM 11/26/02 +1300, you wrote: Yes, that was me.... and YES the problem is still fixed. We havent had to touch a s
Yes, but is the default IP address of the KarlNet Bridge firmware the same as the default IP address of the Orinoco AP1000 AP? Assume NOTHING. If the default addresses are different before and after
Many moons ago, KarlNet supported as many as three wireless interfaces in a box, in addition to the one wired ethernet interface. With all the latest upgrades from Ver 3.xx to Ver 4.xx of KarlNet fir
After you've double-double checked the IP addresses/subnet masks/gateways and all that stuff, double-triple check the system passphrase and set it to something that you absolutely know on both ends t
What do you mean, Dan? A difference between a regular "Base Station" and an "ISP Base Station"? Since you called it an "issue", I'll assume that you mean the ISP Base Station is not performing nearly
40 percent drop. WEP/No WEP? Encryption on or off can easily cost you 20 percent of throughput. At 07:04 PM 9/4/02 -0400, you wrote: Roger, Yes we see a performance issue when we switched the AP conf
I've seen that happen with a duplicate IP address before. Which customers go home and shut down at 5:00pm? At 04:01 PM 7/15/02 -0400, you wrote: I'm hoping I can get some really good and helpful sugg
While we're on the subject of PC Anywhere, don't forget about one of the coolest free things there is.....VNC. At 11:56 AM 7/17/02 -0500, you wrote: What about if
No, that isn't necessarily the case. This is indicating to you that the AP1000 wireless interface is having a difficult time hearing the client. Probable causes are interference or insufficient signa
No, the client can't tell how well the AP is hearing him, he can only tell how well he is hearing the client. Isn't there a signal level and noise level indication at the AP to tell how he's receivin
Sorry. Idiot alert. I meant to type: No, the client can't tell how well the AP is hearing him, the client can only tell how well he is hearing the AP At 12:22 PM 7/24/02 -0400, you wrote: No, the cli
Look at the Wireless Station Entries screen and see how many retransmissions there have been out the wireless port of the AP over this same period of time. At 02:57 PM 6/3/02, you wrote: On our ap ru
Did you get it figured out yet, Barry? I don't know exactly what FlashROM module you've got in your hands there, but most of the ones I've dealt with have a 40-pin header up near the LEDs. Two of the
You must thoroughly and completely uninstall the Orinoco 802.11b drivers and all it's remnants from the machine before you install the TC Client software. It usually involves editing several lines in
Yeah, I've just gone through the Readme.txt's and the install.txt's and there's no mention like their used to be of going into the registry and deleting certain keys. The instructions only tell you t
The firmware already allows you to set/fix the speeds to 11, 5.5, 2, or 1Mbps, doesn't it? At 06:34 PM 5/16/02, you wrote: Does Karlnet have any soft/firmware which would slow the throughput down low
Hey, look how proud Alvarion is of their 3Mbps frequency hopper. So my feeling is that this doesn't make one bit of differnce. That most of us are limiting bandwidth to less than 512K anyway. If we a
But you should be able to do a ping fill test from either end and get about the same results, shouldn't you? At 11:32 AM 5/21/02, you wrote: Peter, I have done various tests with the rg1000's in poin
Actually, you actually should have said that you can NOT get 5.5 Mbps in both directions at the same time. :-) At 12:07 PM 5/21/02, you wrote: Actually I should have said you can get 5.5Mb's in both
Who is the actual manufacturer of these 100mW and so-called 200mW PrismII cards? Not where you got it or what the label says.....:-) Who MAKES them? At 10:29 AM 5/22/02, you wrote: Scott, Are you say