That is why the additional clause "that the new device won't generate RFI", was added... That gets around 15.103(d). -- 73's, and thanks, Dave For software/hardware reviews see:
Hello, I never claimed to be a lawyer, I am just relaying what happened, and what I did to obtain a positive result for my furnace install. -- 73's, and thanks, Dave For software/hardware reviews se
That's the rub Ed... It's like your Riley H story... :) You have to get it in place prior to putting in the furnace, or TV,... :) Love that story! I have shared it with many people! Thanks!!
When I had my heater installer, the vendor signed, and the verbiage was very smiler... They were a large company in the area as well, they called the manufacturer, and the manufacturer said things
Not on my email client, looked great here... Set your wrap to 72 or greater. -- 73's, and thanks, Dave For software/hardware reviews see: For MixW support see: https://groups.yah
Larry, Thank you so much for this information. I will suggest our local grow suppliers use these lights... -- 73's, and thanks, Dave For software/hardware reviews see: For MixW s
It will be very interesting to see the results of your tests Ed... You guys do good work, thanks for your efforts in all of this... -- 73's, and thanks, Dave For software/hardware reviews see: http:
Hi Ed, Having worked directly with a "legal" grower, his main concern was exactly what you stated... He was shocked myself and another ham could locate him so quickly... Evidently there are people
I have found that this approach works really well in most cases as well. -- 73's, and thanks, Dave For software/hardware reviews see: For MixW support see:
I use an FT-817ND... Nice sensitive HF rig, covers 160 through 440, and does AM mode on all bands I use... Antenna jack on the top, and it has internal batteries... You can't beat that rig for a
The whole damn thing is just too murky for my tastes. Here is what RFI hunting does to an Amateur Radio Operator. RANT MODE ON The Amateur Radio Operator is placed in the enforcer/locater position,
Hi Ken, One of the good things I have noticed of late, is that at least in Oregon, ("legal" state), the RFI is getting better, not worse... Oregon has a set of different regs than CO, or WA. and I
Hi Tom, I assume you were using SDR, could you expand a bit on your setup please... I will be putting together a SDR radio for RFI location later this year, and any tips would be appreciated. I am
Thanks sir!!! I am building something smiler to your setup, and the info helps! -- 73's, and thanks, Dave For software/hardware reviews see: For MixW support see: https://groups.
I hate spell checkers... That should read "similar"... -- 73's, and thanks, Dave For software/hardware reviews see: For MixW support see:
Can you provide model numbers? -- 73's, and thanks, Dave For software/hardware reviews see: For MixW support see: For SSTV help see:
The reason: I keep a list of lights that are not RFI generators for a handout our club has... We don't say they will work, we say that they have worked in the past for others in quieting RFI issues
Hi, THANK YOU! I will contact Jerry directly... Thanks again!!! Our club has a handout for growers, and on that handout is a list of items which may help in RFI cases. , and if this pans out as a
Hi Gary, Thanks again for the information, here... I will post the results of what Jerry says... -- 73's, and thanks, Dave For software/hardware reviews see: For MixW support see
This was mentioned as an RFI reduced ballast a few weeks ago... elect-a-watt-turbo-charge.aspx I would LOVE to hear a report fr