Hi Ram, I recently built and tested side by side numerous direction finding tuned loops, untuned unshielded loops, untuned non shielded loops, loops with chokes, loops with transformers, terminated l
Hi Ram, I don't know if you can get access to your neighbors circuit breaker box or what his circuit breakers even looks like, but I have had great success using a simple 1 inch loop to sniff circuit
Hi Jim, I wanted to follow up regarding the link that you provided to the NA6O tuned loop. While it has some nice features, I'm concerned it still might be a little too complicated (intimidating) for
Hi Gary, You certainly may use the link to my tuned loop webpage. Im sure its not nearly as well balanced as your design (especially as you get up higher in frequency like 28 MHz), but it still does
Hi Joe, You said you have driven around the neighborhood with DF gear but with no luck. The real question is if you can hear this when you step outside your house with DF gear (don't jump in a car dr
Hi Ed, You said "what you really want to do is to figure out WHERE the noise source is, something you will need to do no matter what it is." All I can say regarding your above statement is "Amen to t
Hi Joe, The loop you are using is called the "Scoop Loop" which was designed by W1FB and even without any external capacitor the highest frequency of resonance for that tuned shielded loop antenna is
Hi Stephanie, Sorry for the following long text in regards to your question about what utility companies typically use, but believe some of it directly addresses your question. Radar Engineers is the
Hi Jim, I also have 430 MHz portable DF gear including a portable 430 MHz Yagi, and what I have found is that 136 MHz DF gear is more than adequate in 95 or greater percent of the time as long as app
Mike (W9RE) recently asked for my assistance in tracking down some broadband noise he was experiencing on 10 meters from his North-West which the local power company had tried to locate at least 3 di
Hi Joe, The model number is shown near the end of the video. The model number is LSXS26366D /05, and looks like it's a pretty high end model, and still in production. Homeowner purchased it about 3 y
Hi Jim, Once again the toroid core choke did not eliminate the RFI on its own. We tried the K9YC toroid choke by itself and it did not eliminate the RFI, we tried the corcom filter by itself and it d
Hi Dave, All appliances still come under FCC requirements of not causing harmful interference even if they fall under the unintentional radiator category and even on the unintentional radiator exempt
Hi Dan, We had to use the corcom filter along with toroid core choke based on Jims (K9YC) design on the power cord. Both filters were laying out in the open, and not right at the fridge or wall outle
Hi Dan, I tested the toroid core choke between the fridge and the corcom and also between the corcom and wall outlet and both locations worked great in the elimination of the RFI at Mikes QTH. Don wd
Hi Jim, For the records, we actually tried two different commercial filters on the fridge along with the common mode choke. Both required the common mode choke in line with it to successfully elimina
Hi Jim, I forgot to answer your question about what bands the RFI was on. Mike was only experiencing noise on 10 meters, so I did not look at other bands. Because we were dealing with 10 meters I als
Hi Jim, Looking at your published plots, it looks like there would not be much difference on 10 meters between #43 and #31 material for the common mode choke. Do you agree? Don (wd8dsb) _____________
Hi Jim, Totally agree about the ideal location for the corcom filter from a text book point of view but we have a solution that eliminates the RFI on 30 MHz at Mikes without having to mount the comme
Here is a quick followup regarding the RFI at W9RE on 10 meters that we tracked down to his neighbors refrigerator a few weeks ago. We previously were able to eliminate the RFI using a commercial pow