Hi Jim, I just recorded my neighbors plasma TV spectrum plot and will email it to you in the morning. Also took a picture of it. 73, Don (wd8dsb) _______________________________________________ RFI m
Hi John, I normally first try and determine if the noise is power line related (arcing), and this can typically be done right in the shack. Using a receiver in AM mode and with filter set wide, look
While I totally agree that "diplomacy is the key to getting a good resolution", during my last two cases of RFI direction finding and resolution with the property owners, it was not until I advised t
"what if Mike can't bake brownies and cookies?" I've got that covered. Mike only lives 24 mile from me. I will go down there and teach him how to bake. Don (wd8dsb) __________________________________
For many years I have had AT&T DSL service and had to use a home made filter (designed by OZ1CTK) on the phone line feeding the the DSL modem in order to prevent the modem from crashing when transmit
Hi Jim, Yep, thought about trying that, and will give that a shot early next week when I get some free time in my schedule. Don (wd8dsb) _______________________________________________ RFI mailing li
Hi Jim, Bad news for me. If I transmit long enough, and on enough frequencies between 1.800 and 1.835 Mhz I can get the ADSL2 modem to lock up. I even added 14 turn chokes on the incoming data line,
I previously said "I am now out of bullets", but one last thing I would like to try is ADSL2 tone blocking, but when I asked the local tech about that he had no idea how to do it. I am pretty sure it
I would like to add to Jim's (K9YC) comments that most variable speed drives (VSD's or VFD's) were made EMI/EMC compliant by the drive manufacturer via the use of an input line filter during the comp
Two new cases of RFI this week. *Case #1* Within the last year I tracked down and eliminated 160 meters RFI that was being generated by an injection molding machine located about 0.5 miles from my ho
Just a quick follow up on my Case #2 which was broadband interference on 160 meters which was visible as wide repeating bands of interference on 160 meters. As previously mentioned I tracked this int
Here is a link to the website I just created for documenting the RFI on 160 meters that I recently tracked down to my neighbors MXQ Smart TV Box / Streaming Media Player power supply. http://sites.go
Jim (K9YC) and gang, Based on my experience with treadmills, a commercial AC line filter is not a waste of time, but normally it needs to be used in conjunction with a K9YC type toroid core choke to
Part 15 conducted emission limits only apply to a very specific test set up for compliance testing, which may or may not reflect the real world application of the device. The compliance test can help
The only problems I have had with the 120 volt LED bulbs (that are dimmable) so far have not been with the bulbs, but rather with the dimmers (dimmers designed for LED bulbs). So far the two differen
As reported by Mike in some new postings we were able to locate the home generating the RFI back on Oct 15th using my direction finding gear, and the Home Owner and Mike got together this past Saturd
Over the past year I've posted info about a local injection molding facility that had purchased two new injection molding machines (one installed in 2015, and the second one installed in mid 2016) th
I installed 6" recessed Dimmable 120 Vac LED lights in family room a year ago (Lowe's Utilitech 65 Watt equivalent), and no problem with RFI until I installed and tested 2 different dimmers designed
Follow up on my last post. The two dimmers I tested were as follows: Lutron TGCL-153PH-LA Cooper Industries/Eaton TAL06P-C2-K-L The Lutron was worst down in the AM broadcast band, while the Cooper In
Hi Rob, You wrote "We all know the noise floor has been steadily increasing but getting the people who control our laws and enforcement to act, will require proof." I actually said a noise study was