- 1. [RTTY] JARTS (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 08:34:39 EDT
- My Summery 2007 -+- JARTS WW RTTY Contest -+- Sponsored by JARTS. CALL: K8OT Country _X__ Single OP., All Band Multi-Op. Single Transmitter (All band only) Single Op., Single Band: . Multi-Op. Mult-T
- /archives//html/RTTY/2007-10/msg00430.html (7,357 bytes)
- 2. Re: [RTTY] Suggestion for JARTS 2008 (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 07:38:27 EDT
- Ur right Bob follow the sun!!!. I once knew a contester who had two rotors going and two coming and two at home for spares HI HI he let his beam follow the station. I ain't no big time contester but
- /archives//html/RTTY/2007-10/msg00494.html (8,005 bytes)
- 3. Re: [RTTY] Contesting too long? (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 07:25:14 EST
- http://www.ab5k.net/AntennaFarm2007.aspx Gee Terry if you have a rotor failure you could use the Donkeys to rotate ur towers. Goats and sheep make good mowers also. while in the Signal Corp in 1954-5
- /archives//html/RTTY/2007-11/msg00107.html (7,203 bytes)
- 4. Re: [RTTY] Signal Corps (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 19:45:53 EST
- I was repair chief at the Xmtr site. When I was there at that time I think all Washington messages came from Ft Meyer to Asmara then back to us. We even had an emergency link to Clark AF base in the
- /archives//html/RTTY/2007-11/msg00114.html (6,473 bytes)
- 5. Re: [RTTY] Topband: Antennas in trees (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 20:23:12 EST
- Any induced voltage induced in a metal tower is a short to ground, I'll take the tree. But then my inverted L is 20 ft from my 120 Ft. tower and seems to wrk OK. Ed K8OT ** See what's new at http://w
- /archives//html/RTTY/2007-11/msg00116.html (6,356 bytes)
- 6. Re: [RTTY] Topband: pre-selector/filter (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 07:44:11 EST
- I used to use an old RME pre-selector back in my Novice days, with my S76 Hallicrafter. It had two 6J6's in it, The first a tuned pre-amp in push-pull and the second as a push-pull cathode follower,
- /archives//html/RTTY/2007-11/msg00117.html (6,760 bytes)
- 7. Re: [RTTY] Topband: Antennas in trees (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 17:07:31 EST
- OK the tower has Metal guys that are grounded at the 0, 40ft, 70ft and broken up at 110 ft. Can't afford the philly strand like most. so what ball park does that put me in??? ED K8OT ** See what's ne
- /archives//html/RTTY/2007-11/msg00134.html (6,846 bytes)
- 8. Re: [RTTY] LOTW (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 19:50:12 EST
- I sure remember those days when I was a novice and those QSO's with all the standard info. rig,ant,name,QTH es wx, ect.and all at 5-7 WPM. you know I discovered what nobody mentions today, that is he
- /archives//html/RTTY/2007-12/msg00034.html (6,906 bytes)
- 9. Re: [RTTY] anybody want to try 160 rtty? (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2007 23:12:55 EST
- Yea but do it up on 1990 ED K8OT **Check out AOL's list of 2007's hottest products. (http://money.aol.com/special/hot-products-2007?NCID=aoltop00030000000001) ________________________________________
- /archives//html/RTTY/2007-12/msg00060.html (6,513 bytes)
- 10. Re: [RTTY] [CQ-Contest] SO2R-SO1R from The Yukon?? (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2007 16:54:15 EST
- Is your Computer networked to a internet modem that's all you need. ED **Check out AOL's list of 2007's hottest products. (http://money.aol.com/special/hot-products-2007?NCID=aoltop00030000000001) __
- /archives//html/RTTY/2007-12/msg00069.html (7,820 bytes)
- 11. Re: [RTTY] [CQ-Contest] SO2R Category (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 15:33:40 EST
- You two just knock off the crap If hams want to run two rigs and have the means let them go for it. If us little pistols want to use only one rig. I say go for it, BUT and a BIG BUT us little pistols
- /archives//html/RTTY/2007-12/msg00140.html (7,794 bytes)
- 12. Re: [RTTY] 160m WAS (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2008 11:29:34 EST
- Why would you want to screw up the CW part of the band. I don't want to hear about rules. 160 USED to be the gentlemans band. ED K8OT **See AOL's top rated recipes (http://food.aol.com/top-rated-reci
- /archives//html/RTTY/2008-01/msg00019.html (6,612 bytes)
- 13. Re: [RTTY] Those who don't follow the "norm" (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 20:11:52 EST
- When I first starting RTTY contesting and making my Macros I put the other stations call in, then decided to make it shorter to not waste the calling stations time, But there are always some calling
- /archives//html/RTTY/2008-01/msg00151.html (8,637 bytes)
- 14. [RTTY] Shielded Loop (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 07:12:54 EST
- I don't have a lot of room so I Built a shielded loop for 160 with 20 ft of 3/4" Hard line 6 ft Dia. It tunes with a 365 Variable and two 330 uufd in parallel It does not appear to be very directiona
- /archives//html/RTTY/2008-02/msg00044.html (6,478 bytes)
- 15. Re: [RTTY] RTTY WPX ZC4LI SOSB/20 HP (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 09:09:19 EST
- I agree with you Steve, It faster to just work them. the automatic B4 in some logging programs should be banned. there are many reasons he may not be in your log the first time from QRM QRN QSB Or ju
- /archives//html/RTTY/2008-02/msg00102.html (7,422 bytes)
- 16. Re: [RTTY] WPX Award for Digital! (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 08:06:19 EST
- I am more proud of WPNX #56 as a Novice WN8IOT than I'd ever be of WPX. ED K8OT **The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. Go to AOL Music. (http://music.aol.com/grammys?NCI
- /archives//html/RTTY/2008-02/msg00195.html (7,451 bytes)
- 17. Re: [RTTY] ICOM 718 (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 14:18:51 EST
- I use AFSK from the mic connector. Got to the band menu and tell it LSB is AFSK ED K8OT **It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money & Finance. (http://money.aol.com/tax?NCID=aolprf00030
- /archives//html/RTTY/2008-03/msg00013.html (6,620 bytes)
- 18. Re: [RTTY] Comments on TX5C RTTY Operations (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 05:42:00 EDT
- I've had busted QSO's because of dang policemen. ED K8OT **It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money & Finance. (http://money.aol.com/tax?NCID=aolprf00030000000001) ____________________
- /archives//html/RTTY/2008-03/msg00106.html (7,861 bytes)
- 19. [RTTY] (no subject) (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 12:25:26 EDT
- TX5C running USB es reverse??? I got em on 14084 LSB no reverse. I thought RTTY LSB common practice.?? ED K8OT **It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money & Finance. (http://money.aol.c
- /archives//html/RTTY/2008-03/msg00112.html (6,349 bytes)
- 20. Re: [RTTY] (no subject) (score: 1)
- Author: Gedking@aol.com
- Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 19:36:10 EDT
- I Knew that, But in writelog I have to tell it, that LSB is FSK. I'm using AFSK . The PSK guys are just trying to change common practice. guess I'm an old fart that can't change the way we have done
- /archives//html/RTTY/2008-03/msg00116.html (6,938 bytes)
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