Hi Dick, I had the same experience a few days ago as well... He is also in the JT9 area, assuming there is a band plan. -- Thanks and 73's, For equipment, and software setups and reviews see: www.nk7
Hi there, Could one of you guys ask the W1AW/X station of the day to move out of the JT sub bands on 17 please... The W1AW station is so strong it makes copy of weak JT signals difficult. Thanks gent
Anything left of that Ax you are grinding? -- Thanks and 73's, For equipment, and software setups and reviews see: www.nk7z.net for MixW support see; http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/mixw/info for
Hi, It just gets very old seeing one issue, W1AW schedules, being introduced into a discussion which that has nothing to do with, in order to undermine the ARRL... Sigh... I knew I should have not en
Hello, Could we change the message subject to something like "Argument about W1AW", so I can build a filter to remove them all as they arrive please?... This has zero to do with RM-11708, which the s
1. Caring for others... 2. The ability to perform simple tasks that make it simpler for others... Honestly guys, I would like to not filter by name, as some of you who are off on the W1AW tangent, ac
No connect... -- Thanks and 73's, For equipment, and software setups and reviews see: www.nk7z.net for MixW support see; http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/mixw/info for Dopplergram information see:
Where is the JT65 band at on 18 MHz? :) -- Thanks and 73's, For equipment, and software setups and reviews see: www.nk7z.net for MixW support see; http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/mixw/info for Dop
Not suer how I managed to reply to Joe, this was not pointed at Joe... Joe in fact pointed out that the JT65 area would be impacted... Which is what I was trying to do. Must have responded to the wro
That sir is the best warning I have heard to date about this... Good on you for bring it up. -- Thanks and 73's, For equipment, and software setups and reviews see: www.nk7z.net for MixW support see;
I will miss seeing his call around... Always sad... -- Thanks and 73's, For equipment, and software setups and reviews see: www.nk7z.net for MixW support see; http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/mixw/
DX Atlas http://www.dxatlas.com/ -- Thanks and 73's, For equipment, and software setups and reviews see: www.nk7z.net for MixW support see; http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/mixw/info for Dopplergra
This same discussion is gogin on in Elecraft... Here is my reply to Joe regarding that: On Mon, 2015-01-05 at 11:06 -0500, Joe Subich, W4TV spewed forth with: So because there MIGHT be someone on a f
Be sure to do a QRL for the QRSS folks as well... -- Thanks and 73's, For equipment, and software setups and reviews see: www.nk7z.net for MixW support see; http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/mixw/in
A note Joe: A bit ago you were saying that these modes could not be heard... Now we can even ID them by ear... -- Thanks and 73's, For equipment, and software setups and reviews see: www.nk7z.net for
I was about to say the same thing Scott! -- Thanks and 73's, For equipment, and software setups and reviews see: www.nk7z.net for MixW support see; http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/mixw/info for Do
Hi, Don't leave, defend your point! No one is mad at you, they just disagree with something you said. I honestly disagree with you here, I see no way you could tell that your score was not impacted,
That is a very good idea! There could be a little LID button on the software, and if more than X people voted a station LID, it would make them be red for a day! You sir are very clever!! -- Thanks a
Re read my post... :) -- Thanks and 73's, For equipment, and software setups and reviews see: www.nk7z.net for MixW support see; http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/mixw/info for Dopplergram informati
Interesting results... Thank you for publishing, and arranging the survey! -- Thanks and 73's, For equipment, and software setups and reviews see: www.nk7z.net For MixW support see; http://groups.yah