- 41. Re: [RTTY] 300hz or 500hz IF filter? (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 16:02:58 -0500
- I just want to say I learned a lot form this discussion. Some of it was over my head but it over all was informative and hopefully will make a more competitive contester. Thank You! Dave Greig N3BUO
- /archives//html/RTTY/2013-08/msg00128.html (9,675 bytes)
- 42. [RTTY] Condx on 10 meters this afternoon (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2013 16:09:42 -0500
- Very interesting to see a grey line opening to Europe this afternoon here in Texas on 10 meters. Hoping to see the same opening tomorrow during the Russian RTTY DX contest. Thank You! Dave Greig N3BU
- /archives//html/RTTY/2013-09/msg00033.html (6,771 bytes)
- 43. [RTTY] CQ WW RTTY Next Weekend Looking for Ops in Texas (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 15:40:24 -0500
- We are looking for ops to help with a Multi-Single effort at WA5FWC's. We will be using the call N3BUO. WA5FWC lives in Venus, TX about 8 miles SW of Downtown Mansfield, TX. The address is 3181 Mesqu
- /archives//html/RTTY/2013-09/msg00092.html (8,159 bytes)
- 44. [RTTY] CQ WW RTTY Log Error in robot (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 10:06:03 -0500
- The link to view if you log was received is not working? Is there anyone on the list that can look at that? Thank You! Dave Greig N3BUO Phone: (682) 422-6667 Twitter: @N3BUO Facebook: https://www.fac
- /archives//html/RTTY/2013-09/msg00169.html (7,088 bytes)
- 45. Re: [RTTY] jt-65 and jt-9 frequency usage (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2013 10:07:20 -0500
- Jeff, Where I run into an issue is on 17 meters and 12 meters. No real convention is follower for JT65 and RTTY. Thank You! Dave Greig N3BUO Phone: (682) 422-6667 Twitter: @N3BUO Facebook: https://ww
- /archives//html/RTTY/2013-10/msg00112.html (7,973 bytes)
- 46. Re: [RTTY] ARRL attack on current RTTY users (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 12:27:25 -0600
- Here Here.... Ben! Thank You! Dave Greig N3BUO Phone: (682) 422-6667 Twitter: @N3BUO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/N3BUO http://www.801tactical.com Twitter: @801tactical ________________________
- /archives//html/RTTY/2013-11/msg00146.html (9,840 bytes)
- 47. [RTTY] Serial to Dual USB For Windows 8 (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 14:45:56 -0600
- I thought I would pass on some information on USB to Serial cables. I bought from from Fry's a Micro Connectors Inc USB Dual Serial Adapter model number E07-162. This adapter work with out an issue f
- /archives//html/RTTY/2013-11/msg00153.html (7,406 bytes)
- 48. [RTTY] RTTY RU 2014 (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:04:15 -0600
- ARRL RTTY Roundup Call: N3BUO Operator(s): N3BUO Station: N3BUO Class: SO Unlimited HP QTH: TX Operating Time (hrs): 17 Summary: Band QSOs -- 80: 135 40: 67 20: 129 15: 366 10: 14 -- Total: 731 State
- /archives//html/RTTY/2014-01/msg00034.html (8,378 bytes)
- 49. Re: [RTTY] Roundup observations - a bit long! (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2014 16:44:06 -0600
- Kostas, there was a huge pile up around SV2BFN on Sunday Morning on 15 meters and on 40 meters the night before. WY7FD was on from WY. That was the only WY I heard. By the way I am in Dallas, TX Than
- /archives//html/RTTY/2014-01/msg00075.html (9,482 bytes)
- 50. Re: [RTTY] Comments by K4SBZ.. (JT65/JT9) (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2014 16:59:25 -0600
- I personally run many of the Digital modes and have been a long time RTTY operator. But, This is the same argument that we RTTY'er have when there is a CW contest..... By thw way I don't work many CW
- /archives//html/RTTY/2014-01/msg00078.html (10,157 bytes)
- 51. Re: [RTTY] New NCJ Website (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2014 11:12:06 -0600
- Nice Update! Thank You! Dave Greig N3BUO Phone: (682) 422-6667 Twitter: @N3BUO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/N3BUO http://www.801tactical.com Twitter: @801tactical ______________________________
- /archives//html/RTTY/2014-01/msg00251.html (7,569 bytes)
- 52. [RTTY] RTTY Presentation At HamCom in June (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 08:21:23 -0600
- I have been asked to help to put a program together on RTTY contesting at Hamcom this year. Does anyone have a powerpoint they have put together that I can adapt for my presentation? Thank You! Dave
- /archives//html/RTTY/2014-01/msg00252.html (6,840 bytes)
- 53. Re: [RTTY] BARTG This Weekend. (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 11:14:08 -0600
- How much power can you run. And can you use Spotting? I did not see it in the rules? Thank You! Dave Greig N3BUO Phone: (682) 422-6667 Twitter: @N3BUO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/N3BUO http://
- /archives//html/RTTY/2014-01/msg00335.html (9,189 bytes)
- 54. [RTTY] W1AW/5 at NR5M (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2014 12:06:56 -0600
- Hello all, I just spent Tuesday thru Saturday at W1AW/5 down at NR5M antenna Ranch. I wanted to thatnk George NR5M for his hospitality and to Chris N1XS for coordination the event. I had an absolute
- /archives//html/RTTY/2014-02/msg00008.html (8,092 bytes)
- 55. Re: [RTTY] FT5ZM RTTY is a zoo (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2014 16:19:36 -0600
- Operating W1AW/5 this week I had quite a few hams that were using k3 with paddles to do rtty, they just wanted us on all band and as many modes as possible. Thank You! Dave Greig N3BUO Phone: (682) 4
- /archives//html/RTTY/2014-02/msg00016.html (11,808 bytes)
- 56. [RTTY] Fwd: NAQP RTTY Contest (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 13:56:46 -0600
- Due to a unexpected family commitment, I could operate for 3.75 Hours. Here's the results: Start Date : 2014-02-21 CallSign Used : N3BUO Operator(s) : N3BUO Operator Category : SINGLE-OP Band : ALL P
- /archives//html/RTTY/2014-02/msg00270.html (7,463 bytes)
- 57. Re: [RTTY] P.S. BARTG CONDX (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 10:21:35 -0500
- Based on 12 meters this morning on RTTY I work an HB9, HB0, J35X, S51, UT4... So the band are open. Thank You! Dave Greig N3BUO *801 Tactical* Phone: (682) 422-6667 http://www.801tactical.com Google
- /archives//html/RTTY/2014-03/msg00071.html (10,640 bytes)
- 58. Re: [RTTY] About encryption: an example (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 09:50:37 -0500
- http://apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/comment_search/execute?proceeding=RM-11699 This information on this link is incorrect. HIPAA only talks about specific *patient names* and the correlation of that data to sic
- /archives//html/RTTY/2014-03/msg00192.html (12,684 bytes)
- 59. [RTTY] Field Day (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 19:24:29 -0500
- Gentlemen, I am looking for a Field Day station some where close to Abell, MD in ST Mary's County. Any one know of one they would suggest? I have found one on the ARRL site but looking for other sugg
- /archives//html/RTTY/2014-05/msg00203.html (7,121 bytes)
- 60. Re: [RTTY] The RTTY efficiency myth and SUPERFILL (score: 1)
- Author: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>
- Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 17:26:28 -0500
- John I also send TU in contests for the same reason. Thank You! Dave Greig N3BUO *801 Tactical* Phone: (682) 422-6667 http://www.801tactical.com Google Plus: gplus.to/801Tactical Facebook: https://ww
- /archives//html/RTTY/2014-07/msg00048.html (12,630 bytes)
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