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References: [ +from:dj3iw@t-online.de: 151 ]

Total 151 documents matching your query.

141. Re: [RTTY] BARTG (SPRING) LOG RECEIPT? (score: 1)
Author: "DJ3IW Goetz" <dj3iw@t-online.de>
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 07:55:15 -0000
The same here, yes we should get a receipt. we did in the past and some got it now too. 73 de Goetz dj3iw@t-online.de -- Original Message -- From: "Jack West" <w7ld@olypen.com> To: "RTTY GROUP" <rtty
/archives//html/RTTY/2005-03/msg00218.html (7,907 bytes)

142. Re: [RTTY] Disturbance from station on adjoining freq (score: 1)
Author: "DJ3IW Goetz" <dj3iw@t-online.de>
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 06:59:39 -0000
Hi Selva, it depends on what filter you use normally. My standard filters for RTTY are the two cascaded 500Hz ones. If the bands get really crowded I switch to the 250Hz cascaded filters. These elimi
/archives//html/RTTY/2005-03/msg00272.html (8,750 bytes)

143. [RTTY] DJ3IW SOAB HP (score: 1)
Author: "DJ3IW Goetz" <dj3iw@t-online.de>
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 16:31:55 -0000
EA RTTY Contest DJ3IW SOAB HP Total OP time: approx. 9hrs QSOs Points DX Provinces Call Areas 80m: 49 168 24 5 2 40m: 66 273 33 7 6 20m: 148 235 37 14 13 15m: 65 122 27 2 13 10m: 2 4 2 0 0 Total: 330
/archives//html/RTTY/2005-04/msg00004.html (7,236 bytes)

144. [RTTY] DJ3IW SPDX RTTY (score: 1)
Author: "DJ3IW Goetz" <dj3iw@t-online.de>
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 14:14:29 -0000
SPDX RTTY Contest DJ3IW A - single op AB HP QSOs Points DX Provinces 80m: 53 268 21 9 40m: 35 215 17 4 20m: 130 960 37 2 15m: 40 372 18 0 10m: 0 0 0 0 Total: 258 1815 93 15 Continents: 6 (AS EU OC SA
/archives//html/RTTY/2005-04/msg00154.html (6,852 bytes)

145. [RTTY] Fw: ARI DJ3IW SO RTTY LP (score: 1)
Author: "DJ3IW Goetz" <dj3iw@t-online.de>
Date: Sun, 8 May 2005 20:42:32 -0000
ARI International DX Contest Call: DJ3IW Operator(s): DJ3IW Station: DJ3IW Class: SO RTTY LP QTH: JN69AE Summary: Band CW Qs Ph Qs RTTY Qs Mults -- 160: 0 0 0 0 80: 0 0 34 26 40: 0 0 44 33 20: 0 0 26
/archives//html/RTTY/2005-05/msg00027.html (6,981 bytes)

146. Re: [RTTY] Volta logs (score: 1)
Author: "DJ3IW Goetz" <dj3iw@t-online.de>
Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 18:50:41 -0000
Cabrillo! 73 de Goetz dj3iw@t-online.de -- Original Message -- From: "IronmanY2k" <IronmanY2K@triathlete.com> To: <rtty@contesting.com> Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 5:34 PM Subject: [RTTY] Volta logs
/archives//html/RTTY/2005-05/msg00107.html (7,117 bytes)

147. [RTTY] ANARTS DJ3IW SOAB HP (score: 1)
Author: "DJ3IW Goetz" <dj3iw@t-online.de>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 01:16:19 -0000
ANARTS WW RTTY Contest Call: DJ3IW Class: SOST HP QTH: JN69AE Operating Time (hrs): 23.75 Summary: Band QSOs Pts Mults -- 80: 96 316 31 40: 95 849 50 20: 290 4467 82 15: 211 2871 74 10: 21 96 15 -- V
/archives//html/RTTY/2005-06/msg00093.html (6,814 bytes)

148. [RTTY] DL0TTY DL-DX (score: 1)
Author: "DJ3IW Goetz" <dj3iw@t-online.de>
Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2005 13:28:19 -0000
-+- DL-DX RTTY Contest 2005 -+- CALL: DL0TTY CATEGORY: A - Single Operator All Bands QSO Pts DX Areas 80m: 44 452 17 5 40m: 50 584 23 6 20m: 270 3395 57 22 15m: 100 1169 37 6 10m: 21 219 15 0 -- Tota
/archives//html/RTTY/2005-07/msg00024.html (6,549 bytes)

149. Re: [RTTY] RTTY WAS #410?? (score: 1)
Author: "DJ3IW Goetz" <dj3iw@t-online.de>
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 17:37:42 -0000
Could be correct Peter, mine shows #387, dated 5-Nov-03. 73 de Goetz dj3iw@t-online.de -- Original Message -- From: "Peter Laws" <plaws0@gmail.com> To: <rtty@contesting.com> Sent: Friday, July 29, 20
/archives//html/RTTY/2005-07/msg00240.html (7,441 bytes)

150. [RTTY] SARTG DJ3IW SOSB/80 HP (score: 1)
Author: "DJ3IW Goetz" <dj3iw@t-online.de>
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 23:25:27 -0000
SARTG WW RTTY Contest Call: DJ3IW Class: SOSB/80 HP Band QSOs Pts Mults -- 80: 213 2045 49 -- Total Score = 100205 Club: DRCG 73 de Goetz dj3iw@t-online.de ___________________________________________
/archives//html/RTTY/2005-08/msg00149.html (6,863 bytes)

151. [RTTY] OT: Can I post to this list? (score: 1)
Author: DJ3IW G�tz <GL-DJ3IW@t-online.de>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 08:23:37 -0800
73 de Goetz DJ3IW _______________________________________________ RTTY mailing list RTTY@contesting.com http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/rtty
/archives//html/RTTY/2012-05/msg00215.html (6,250 bytes)

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