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Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [RTTY] TARA Grid Square Contest (score: 186)
Author: mdonohue at (Michael J. Donohue VE3YF)
Date: Sat Aug 2 13:09:14 2003
Bob: It is supposed to be PSK and RTTY only. I listened last night and heard nothing except for a few DX calling CQ in RTTY, so I thought would take in some other activities. 73 De Mike VE3YF
/archives//html/RTTY/2002-11/msg00138.html (7,044 bytes)

2. [RTTY] Computer Query (score: 186)
Author: mdonohue at (Michael J. Donohue VE3YF)
Date: Tue Aug 5 15:04:13 2003
Hi: I am trying to figure out if I can add a couple of Serial Ports to an old 233MMX Computer. Currently the computer is configured as: Com1: IRQ 04 (FT-1000D) Com2: IRQ 03 (PK-900) Lpt1 : IRQ 07 (CW
/archives//html/RTTY/2002-11/msg00159.html (6,816 bytes)

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