Sorry, I didn't make it last night - too tired. Here is a particle list, the rest later. Sure looks like I missed a good one.. Roy. CQ/RJ WW RTTY Claimed Scores CALL CLASS PWR Q's Pnts D DX ZN Score
Sorry folks, don't usually pull this class (assisted) out of the single ops. I do all these manually, and would have to go back through all the listings. The only way to do this automagically, would
Boy, am I glad I missed this one, now no one knows how old I am, and I tell all kinds of stories at Dayton!!!! After seeing the pictures of Raj in contesting mode, not too sure that he will be able t
Sorry for the delay, I caught a "bug" here, and it took time to root it all out. I sure hope it is all gone:-) JARTS RTTY Claimed Scores CALL CLASS PWR QSO PNT MLT SCORE K4WW MOMT HP 585 1612 166 267
SARTG RTTY 2001 Claimed Scores CALL CLASS PWR QSO PNT MULT SCORE HG5C MOST HP 740 2,100,000 GW4JBQ MOST HP 742 8475 214 1,813,650 K4WW MOST HP 418 5190 139 721,410 EO0I SB10 HP 105 1075 25 26,875 ON7
SARTG RTTY 2001 Claimed Scores CALL CLASS PWR QSO PNT MULT SCORE RW9C MOST HP 806 11320 213 2,411,160 UT9F MOST HP 801 8835 258 2,279,430 GW4JBQ MOST HP 742 8475 214 1,813,650 HG5C MOST HP 787 8930 1
SCC RTTY 2001 Claimed Scores CALL CLASS PWR QSO PNT MULT SCORE EO1OF MOST HP 844 1937 244 472,628 SP5ZCC MOST HP 354 824 172 141,728 S53S MOST LP 585 1347 206 277,482 9A7P MOST LP 529 1234 212 261,60
Sounds like a bunch of "Mangy Curs" to me!! Too bad they can't use their amps to get a better signal out from "under the porch":-) Some day they may be allowed to sit "on" the porch and watch the NOT