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Total 7 documents matching your query.

1. [RTTY] SARTG VK4UC SOSB (score: 1)
Author: (John Cashen)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 22:35:46 +1000
SARTG WW RTTY Contest Call: VK4UC Class: SOAB QTH: Qld Operating Time (hrs): 17 Radios: SO2R Band Qs Pts Mults -- 80: 0 0 0 40: 53 785 36 20: 215 3200 68 15: 117 1740 49 10: 43 630 27 -- Total: 428 6
/archives//html/RTTY/2002-08/msg00219.html (7,170 bytes)

2. [RTTY] SCC VK4UC SOAB (score: 1)
Author: (John Cashen)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 10:19:07 +1000
Only operated 10 hours out of the 24. Conditions and participation were mediocre and as a result I couldn't stay glued to the radios.. Qso's and qso rates were significantly down here from that of SA
/archives//html/RTTY/2002-08/msg00289.html (7,869 bytes)

3. [RTTY] RTTY] NAQP - looking for a team (score: 1)
Author: (John Cashen)
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 09:04:11 +1000
John VK4UC -- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( To: <> Version: 6.0.375 / Virus Database: 210 - Release Date: 7/10/
/archives//html/RTTY/2002-07/msg00166.html (6,771 bytes)

4. [RTTY] Russian WW RTTY (score: 1)
Author: (John Cashen)
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 22:33:11 +1000
Poor Propagation! I guess it is a sign of what's to come. I shut down a number of times and had a good sleep both nights. I actually got some antenna work done and now am back on 40M. Where were the
/archives//html/RTTY/2002-07/msg00419.html (6,963 bytes)

5. [RTTY] ANARTS VK4UC (score: 1)
Author: (John Cashen)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 07:01:57 +1000
/archives//html/RTTY/2002-06/msg00244.html (8,743 bytes)

6. [RTTY] VK4UC VOLTA SO AB HP (score: 1)
Author: (John Cashen)
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 11:19:27 +1000
I agree with K4WW that this one was more work and had slower rates than some of the "bigger" RTTY contests. Although signals were weaker, there was also a noticeable lack of activity, particularly fr
/archives//html/RTTY/2002-05/msg00189.html (8,096 bytes)

7. [RTTY] VK4UC Anatolian SOAB (score: 1)
Author: (John Cashen)
Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 08:15:59 +1000
It looked like all of North America was at Dayton this weekend. Well from this end it appeared they didn't miss much. Band conditions were (relatively) terrible. Early closures and very late openings
/archives//html/RTTY/2002-05/msg00245.html (7,415 bytes)

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