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Total 169 documents matching your query.

1. Re: [RTTY] FW: OO Advisory kk5oq (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 18:28:46 -0400
The FT-990, FT-1000D, FT-1000MP, mark V, Field, etc. are actually AFSK even in "FSK." Yaesu generates FSK by feeding an audio tone into the balanced modulator. The audio tone is generated in a phase
/archives//html/RTTY/2005-10/msg00257.html (8,149 bytes)

2. Re: [RTTY] AFSK Splatter (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 10:16:51 -0400
This is another reason to insert AFSK and PSK audio at the Accessory jack instead of the microphone jack. With most radios, the Accessory input is after the microphone preamplifier and requires abou
/archives//html/RTTY/2005-10/msg00292.html (7,869 bytes)

3. Re: [RTTY] Fw: RE: NAQP RTTY on NCDXF Beacon] (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich" <>
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 19:02:38 -0500
+/- 2 KHz is a bit much .... the beacons are CW +/- 750 Hz (170 + 250 = 420) should be more than enough. Between PSK activity, the automated WinLink BS, the non-US Phone operation and the QRP CW acti
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-01/msg00081.html (8,652 bytes)

4. Re: [RTTY] NAQP RTTY on NCDXF Beacon] (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 10:36:51 -0500
Wolf, Because of the asymmetry of RTTY vs. the displayed (Mark) frequency, the specification should probably be -750 Hz/+250Hz or perhaps -750 Hz/+500Hz. 73, ... Joe, W4TV ___________________________
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-01/msg00197.html (11,111 bytes)

5. Re: [RTTY] K2PAL (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 21:30:18 -0500
Goetz/Alex, You should not see a BSD when shutting down the computer with Router running. Which version of Router? Which version of Windows? What are the specifics of the computer (CPU/Memory)? What
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-01/msg00260.html (8,768 bytes)

6. Re: [RTTY] ARRL Bandwidth Proposal - FCC Invites Comments (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 01:44:16 -0500
George, Wrong on both counts ... significant interference to QSOs in progress, particularly in areas currently used for PSK. Expanding those permissions to wideband digital modes will only make matte
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-01/msg00315.html (9,895 bytes)

7. Re: [RTTY] Now this is a tad funny about LoTW (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 18:01:19 -0500
Frank, If you have time to submit the Cabrillo file to the contest sponsor at the end of a contest, it takes all of another minute or so to run that same file through tQSL to sign it and upload to Lo
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-01/msg00547.html (9,148 bytes)

8. Re: [RTTY] DIN stands for....? (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 14:19:41 -0500
Sorry guys ... the French topped everyone with SECAM. 73, ... Joe, W4TV _______________________________________________ RTTY mailing list
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-02/msg00318.html (8,696 bytes)

9. Re: [RTTY] 160 meter RTTY contest (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 14:03:31 -0500
Because 1810-1840 is heavily utilized for CW and CW DX activities. It has been a long and difficult time - not completely successful - getting all the pig farmers and good old boys to stay above 184
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-03/msg00013.html (7,730 bytes)

10. Re: [RTTY] 160 Band Plan/RTTY On 160 (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 16:58:10 -0500
You are so far off the truth about 160 meter history that you might as well be writing fiction. There have been multiple efforts to define a CW/SSB split to 160 going back to immediately after the LO
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-03/msg00033.html (12,235 bytes)

11. Re: [RTTY] ARRL 160 Band Plan (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 20:17:22 -0500
Tom, You are typical of the class of self serving jerks who hasn't bothered to learn what amateur radio is about, its history, or even enough about the technology to understand when you are wrong. Yo
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-03/msg00040.html (21,720 bytes)

12. Re: [RTTY] Sound Card Options (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 17:19:46 -0500
Earl, I am told that Santa Cruz is no longer in the soundcard business. If you happen to have a card or can find one at a close out they are excellent. In the meantime I have just received a SoundBla
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-03/msg00108.html (9,255 bytes)

13. [RTTY] [microHAM] Router 3.1.0 Available ... (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 17:34:20 -0500
An update to microHAM Router (Router 3.1.0) is available for download at: Key changes to this version: - Enhanced support (frequency/mod
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-03/msg00168.html (8,049 bytes)

14. Re: [RTTY] Sound Card Options (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 13:56:34 -0500
In spite of the specifications on their web page, the Creative SoundBlaster Audigy SE does not have independent mic and line inputs. I received my card for testing this past week and have decided to
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-03/msg00179.html (7,339 bytes)

15. Re: [RTTY] TWO MICROHAM HELP (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 23:15:50 -0500
That is the correct behavior. A single port can be connected to only one device at a time. Thus, if COM4 is FSK for the first microKEYER, COM4 cannot be used for any other purpose on either microKEYE
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-03/msg00221.html (8,369 bytes)

16. Re: [RTTY] Any Idea MICROHAM (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 11:22:55 -0500
Two microHam microKEYERs will work just fine at the same time. You must use two separate copies of MMTTY - one for each microKEYER/Radio combination. Set up the second copy of MMTTY in a separate dir
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-03/msg00231.html (8,025 bytes)

17. Re: [RTTY] I resolved this about MK-8-IC cable on OPC-599 for IC706 (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 14:24:12 -0500
Bill, Heil clearly states the HC and GM microphones will not work with the IC-706 which was Rag's question. See: and note: A blocking capacitor and dynam
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-03/msg00290.html (9,722 bytes)

18. Re: [RTTY] missing info in LoTW uploads (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 11:39:56 -0400
Note this information is accurate for calls issued in the US, Alaska and Hawaii (ADIF 192, 6 and 110). If your certificate is for another country, the "state and county page" will be modified for the
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-04/msg00103.html (7,844 bytes)

19. Re: [RTTY] MicroHam USB II versus TS-940S/AT (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Tue, 2 May 2006 18:10:56 -0400
Jack, Support for the microHAM products is available from and via the user group at: If neither the red or green LED blink, is the Power LE
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-05/msg00007.html (8,070 bytes)

20. [RTTY] microHAM SO2R controllers ... (score: 1)
Author: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 15:39:04 -0400
I have uploaded a PDF of the information on MK2R and MK2R+ to the files section of the microHAM group on Yahoo. The file is a basic "features" listing of the new SO2R controllers. The same informatio
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-06/msg00108.html (7,685 bytes)

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