Please welcome WB6BWZ, Matt Lee to the SECC. Matt just joined a couple of days ago. Matt is interestined in CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31, and all-band QRP operating. Matt is a "contest newbie", as he called
So, Jay, when and where is the birthday party? Something to think about -- the NQ4I Open House was cancelled due to the terrible events of September 11. Perhaps it is time for members to consider hos
Bill, unless you are going to loan me an amp, and take care of the RFI calls from the neighbors, I will be SOLP. Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL Mail: Quote: "Not within a thousand years
Here is the team structure. Thank you for all your participation. South East Contest Club #1 AA4LR K4WI K4BAI W2JJC W4ATL South East Contest Club #2 K4OGG W4NTI K4GA WB6BWZ WB4SQ I'll be submitting t
Arch, that's OK by me. Last year, the FCG had a bunch of funny names: Al, George, (and my favorite) Chad. I'm going with George for NAQP Phone. "Bill" just doesn't cut it, but "George in Georgia" see
Well, I did try this last year, and it worked great. Not only did it reduce repeats for the name, but it also reduced repeats on the section. I'm not as well-known as you or Bill, John, so it doesn't
Thanks for registering your team at 19 Jan 2002 0343Z Team: South East Contest Club #1 AA4LR(AA4LR) K4WI(K4WI) K4BAI(K4BAI) W2JJC(W2JJC) W4ATL(W4ATL) 73 de SSBNAQP Manager -- End Forwarded Message --
Thanks for registering your team at 19 Jan 2002 0344Z Team: South East Contest Club #2 K4OGG(K4OGG) W4NTI(W4NTI) K4GA(K4GA) WB6BWZ(WB6BWZ) WB4SQ(WB4SQ) 73 de SSBNAQP Manager -- End Forwarded Message
I managed a short, short run on 10m, and a little longer run on 15m. Neither was short enough to be real productive. I noticed this, too. Working them was a bit tricky, but possible. Barely. I never
This isn't true, Jay. The mode subbands on HF are setup not as "CW" and "Phone" bands at all. Nor are they set up as "Wide" and "Narrow" bands. The separation is Digital and Analog. Digital modes are
By the same token, on CW contest weekends, the phone bands are less crowded. To assume otherwise would be to draw an exclusionary line between CW and phone operators. Indeed, these are largely the sa
One other thing occurs to me. One benefit of this future petition wasn't mentioned -- Novice and Tech-Plus operators get access to the General-class portions of 80, 40, 15 and 10. This means they are
And Matt, WB6BWZ is SO QRP. So listen up for him. Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL Mail: Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!" -- Wilbur Wright, 1901 -- SECC on the Web:
YES! Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL Mail: Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!" -- Wilbur Wright, 1901 -- SECC on the Web: Submissions: secc
I must say, when I worked Gary the first night, he had the loudest signal I have ever heard on the TS-430S. Of course, Gary is only a couple of miles as the crow flies from my QTH. His signal was so
Now that you're all psyched up from the CQ 160m CW, it's time again for another 'phone contest. I'm organizing teams for the Phone Sprint. When I signed up, I thought I was going to get to operate it
So, we remain under the old rules until the end of October. This will certainly cut down on the amount of work the Secretary has to do. Which leaves us with an an interesting proposition for the SECC
So far, we have the following Phone Sprint team: WB6BWZ K4WI <your call can go here> <maybe here> <or here> <you know, we have many open slots> So, anyone else want to warm up their radios with a lot
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