- 101. [SECC] CQWW (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 09:46:46 -0400
- Good luck, Larry, as well as to the NQ4I team and any other serious CQWW efforts! I will be finishing up some antenna work in preparation for SSCW, but will jump into the fray for some QSOs during th
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-10/msg00053.html (6,779 bytes)
- 102. [SECC] CWSS (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 17:40:36 -0500
- ** Remember to edit the multiplier list for the new WCF Section! ** K9AY will be SO2R in the "Q" class. Got the switch box and Writelog working smoothly with the two 765's. Have the same X9 @ 65 ft a
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-10/msg00070.html (7,982 bytes)
- 103. [SECC] Re: (*&%#computers (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 10:03:30 -0500
- This computer thing has gotten easy! I obtained a 266 MHz PII-MMX machine with 128 MB RAM that was simply abandonded by a company that needed more powerful machines. After wiping the 6.4 GB hard driv
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-10/msg00075.html (8,020 bytes)
- 104. [SECC] Shelby hamfest (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 16:22:09 -0400
- (This e-mail was originally sent on Aug 30 and may not have been successfully transmitted) Attention all SECC members and interested hams... I will be conducting two meetings of the South East Contes
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-09/msg00002.html (6,978 bytes)
- 105. [SECC] Sprint and Open House (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 08:52:23 -0400
- The Open House idea is great! I'll make as many as possible. The Weekend of the 23/24th is actually good. I'll get my station on the list after finishing a few more things (like lowband transmit ante
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-09/msg00018.html (7,960 bytes)
- 106. [SECC] NAQP Propagation (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 17:16:16 -0400
- Most of the propagation predictions look good for Saturday! It will be the last day of a 5-day period of relatively quiet activity, with the solar flux rising from today's mediocre 150 up to 200 or b
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-08/msg00007.html (6,759 bytes)
- 107. [SECC] NAQP Team Update (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 09:01:37 -0400
- -- Bill et al: SECC Teams for NAQP CW as of 8/2/00 9:00 a.m. are listed below. Any additional participants need to notify me by Friday afternoon! Gary, K9AY gary@noblepub.com SECC #1 (Fulltime) K9AY
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-08/msg00015.html (7,211 bytes)
- 108. [SECC] Power level for NAQP? (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 13:20:26 -0400
- I think the 150 watt power level is a historical artifact from the era of rigs with two 6146 finals which could put out as much as 125 watts on some bands. Today, the FT1000 (plain and "D"), IC-781,
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-08/msg00016.html (8,587 bytes)
- 109. [SECC] NAQP Advice? (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 11:44:13 -0400
- Further reflections on W4AN's earlier recommendations (which are about as complete as you'll ever find!)... 1. Use your team! SECC teams represent four mults. If you work everyone else on both teams
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-08/msg00018.html (7,205 bytes)
- 110. [SECC] Re: SECC NAQP CW Teams (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 16:51:35 -0400
- OK guys...now it's time to deliver! CU on all six bands... NAQP CW Contest 1800Z Aug 5 to 0600Z Aug 6, 2000 -- work 10 out of 12 hours Contest info is at the NCJ website: www.ncjweb.com E-mail logs t
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-08/msg00022.html (7,356 bytes)
- 111. [SECC] K9AY NAQP CW (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2000 10:03:50 -0400
- K9AY GARY GA Band QSOs Mults -- -- -- 160 45 23 80 73 29 40 191 44 20 132 41 15 78 32 10 23 11 -- -- -- 542 x 180 = 97,560 pts I think AA4LR and WE9V were my only 6-band stations. QSO #1 was VP5Y on
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-08/msg00024.html (6,990 bytes)
- 112. [SECC] CW NAQP comments (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 15:20:48 -0400
- You can learn a lot by reading the comments accompanying the score reports (3830 archives on www.contesting.com ). There are plenty of observations on conditions, who was loud, what strategies worked
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-08/msg00029.html (6,731 bytes)
- 113. [SECC] IARU This Weekend (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 08:59:14 -0400
- I should have a little time Sat. evening and Sun. to play radio. Probably CW only. Pulled a 100 ft. bundle of cables through my buried conduit (3" PVC) last evening -- 7/8" Heliax, 9913, 1/2" CATV li
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-07/msg00006.html (7,045 bytes)
- 114. [SECC] GQP & NAQP (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 10:16:08 -0400
- No operation from K9AY during WRTC/IARU, but I will be ready for the August CW NAQP and will contribute a casual effort for GQP. Are there enough ops to make a NAQP team? Unless someone else really w
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-07/msg00010.html (7,070 bytes)
- 115. [SECC] Congratulations to K4BAI & K4UEE (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 17:49:16 -0400
- There may be winners, be there are no losers in this kind of competition! You gotta be awfully good just to get there. Although the US "super-contesters" K1TO/N5TJ and K1DG/K1AR were realize they wer
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-07/msg00014.html (7,462 bytes)
- 116. [SECC] NAQP CW teams (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 12:59:07 -0400
- I know it's nearly four weeks away, but the SECC should be represented with at least one team in the August 5-6 NAQP CW! It is way too hot this time of year to be working outdoors on a Saturday after
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-07/msg00018.html (7,178 bytes)
- 117. [SECC] Antenna wanted (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 15:29:10 -0400
- Does any area ham have a small tribander available for sale? Preferences: A4S, KT34A, Explorer 14, TH5, log periodic. I also would consider 20 and 15M monobanders no bigger than 3 elements on 20, 4 e
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-07/msg00022.html (6,616 bytes)
- 118. [SECC] 3 new members! (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 13:06:25 -0400
- The South East Contest Club has three new members! -- Jim Worsham, W4KXY lives in Buford right at the center of the map on our Web site! Previously, Jim was WA4KXY (& WN4KXY) and he is a Life Member
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-07/msg00026.html (7,515 bytes)
- 119. [SECC] K9AY GQP (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 08:54:10 -0400
- I will operate at home on a limited-time basis, handing out the rare Gwinnett County multiplier. Both phone and CW, if I can find my microphone.... 73, Gary K9AY/4 -- FAQ on WWW: http://www.contestin
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-07/msg00030.html (6,317 bytes)
- 120. [SECC] K9AY GaQP (score: 1)
- Author: gary@noblepub.com (Gary Breed)
- Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 11:30:35 -0400
- Here is my rough score -- Writelog doesn't have GQP, so I picked one of the other state QSO party setups. Log entry was OK, but the scoring needs to checked and the log reformatted... A part-time eff
- /archives//html/SECC/2000-07/msg00054.html (7,219 bytes)
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