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Total 401 documents matching your query.

321. [SECC] GQP - Planned Activity in Early, Seminole, Decatur, Miller Counties (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 09:47:05 -0800 (PST)
Jim, You are the first Rover to call in, thanks. Your 4 county list is the first under the "2 or more" rule for rovers, and I hope many others follow your example and venture out. (The prior Minimum
/archives//html/SECC/2006-03/msg00057.html (8,038 bytes)

322. [SECC] GQP Rules (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 07:04:52 -0800 (PST)
Yep, I fixed it as soon as I saw John's (N6MU's) note. Thanks _______________________________________________ SECC mailing list SECC at
/archives//html/SECC/2006-03/msg00076.html (6,761 bytes)

323. [SECC] GQP Plaque for GA Phone Low Power (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 15:13:32 -0800 (PST)
Tommy, I am going to sponsor a plaque for GQP, for PH, Low Power, at least for this year. This is in the effort to get more GA stations active on PH for the event. It is good to see some club activit
/archives//html/SECC/2006-03/msg00097.html (6,768 bytes)

324. [SECC] GQP rover plans posted (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 06:14:01 -0800 (PST)
I have put NE4S, KU8E and N4NX rover and portable notes on the GQP web site... Any one else, post here, or a note to gqp at . Revisions also accepted for updates as plans get finalized. My pl
/archives//html/SECC/2006-03/msg00103.html (6,453 bytes)

325. [SECC] NO5W GQP Rover Plans (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 17:23:01 -0800 (PST)
Chuck, I have your proposed plan posted on the GQP web site, and am copying the SECC reflector. Savannah is great, go out to Tybee too... In North GA, the roads are a bit slower than you may think, k
/archives//html/SECC/2006-03/msg00110.html (7,645 bytes)

326. [SECC] NE4S SOLP160M WPX SSB (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 05:54:06 -0800 (PST)
I had to wait til John was working EU and had the aluminum leaning my way for the 15M Q, but we got it done. 6 band Qs with NQ4I. Any other "sweep"s from our members? Worked NJ4U on a couple bands to
/archives//html/SECC/2006-03/msg00120.html (7,668 bytes)

327. [SECC] County update for GQP (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 12:14:46 -0800 (PST)
Jeff, all, I will get an update on the web from your list... Thanks for the county coverage work, it helps us get the most of the rover work. Mike, NE4S Please use ne4s at as my address. Be w
/archives//html/SECC/2006-03/msg00145.html (6,398 bytes)

328. [SECC] GQP posted to county hunters calendar (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 05:35:19 -0800 (PST)
GQP is on the county hunters calendar for 5years. I saw ALQP posted there too for end of April. Jeff is getting a lot of rover info posted here, and I will try to catch it all up for the web later to
/archives//html/SECC/2006-03/msg00149.html (6,794 bytes)

329. [SECC] NE4S missed Spring (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2006 05:09:13 -0800 (PST)
Our iffy guests did show up and dinner party won over sprint... Zero report, I will try again next time. Mike, NE4S Please use ne4s at as my address. Be well, Thanks -- Yahoo! Mail - Helps pr
/archives//html/SECC/2006-02/msg00012.html (6,256 bytes)

330. [SECC] Greetings from Bonaire (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 14:03:18 -0800 (PST)
Hi Guys, I heard you on the low bands last nite, and you were probably the loudest sig on each band. C6 was pretty strong on 160 too, I think that is N4BP et al?. Are you using any RX antennae on 160
/archives//html/SECC/2006-02/msg00059.html (7,989 bytes)

331. [SECC] NE4S ARRL CW DX (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 09:01:48 -0800 (PST)
A few points for the club. Posted on 3830 reflector: ARRL DX Contest, CW Call: NE4S Operator(s): NE4S Station: NE4S Class: SOAB(A) LP QTH: GA Operating Time (hrs): 4.6 Summary: Band QSOs Mults -- 160
/archives//html/SECC/2006-02/msg00073.html (6,790 bytes)

332. [SECC] TQP Cert Received (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 05:01:40 -0800 (PST)
I saw Dan's note about his GQP certificate, good work Dan. I should put out a thanks to Tennessee QSO party folks for the cert I just got for First Place, SOHP, from Colorado in their TNQP. And thank
/archives//html/SECC/2006-02/msg00086.html (6,392 bytes)

333. [SECC] NE4S CQ-160-SSB (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 06:34:08 -0800 (PST)
Thanks for the Q's from many SECC ops, and our near state neighbors. Now I must get busy on GQP preparations. 73, Mike, NE4S ...............................3830 Posted, log sent......................
/archives//html/SECC/2006-02/msg00107.html (7,828 bytes)

334. [SECC] GQP rules changes. (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 06:54:39 -0800 (PST)
Hi, Since proposed and seconded on Dec 18th, we have has 5 yes, and 0 nay votes here. With this request for approval of our club officers, I would like to have the rules changes approved so I can get
/archives//html/SECC/2006-01/msg00028.html (7,509 bytes)

335. [SECC] GQP rules changes. (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 07:22:29 -0800 (PST)
Thanks Hal, Off we go... I will always be ready for GQP input here or direct. For now we can get back to the current contests... I need to shoot some (thin) wires into some trees before the weekend..
/archives//html/SECC/2006-01/msg00030.html (9,483 bytes)

336. [SECC] NE4S NAQP CW (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 13:11:28 -0800 (PST)
NAQP CW I sent in the log as multi because I did use packet spots. Operating time was 3.5 hours. I never got to lower bands, visitors and such took up the evening. Antenna was a wire that was stuck i
/archives//html/SECC/2006-01/msg00069.html (7,600 bytes)

337. [SECC] NAQP CW (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 07:37:18 -0800 (PST)
Just a note to say sorry to team 4 for jumping out of category... I didn't read the rules closely enough to see the "single op" only in there. But since I did use some (few) spots, I could not submit
/archives//html/SECC/2006-01/msg00084.html (7,043 bytes)

338. [SECC] NAQP Phone Teams (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 03:07:14 -0800 (PST)
NAQPSSB NE4S.... PT Tnx.. Mike So far, I just have two guys who plan to operate. That's pretty sad considering we have 100+ members. I'm sure there must be a few more folks out there. Please send me
/archives//html/SECC/2006-01/msg00096.html (7,374 bytes)

339. [SECC] NE4S NAQP SSB... (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 12:18:44 -0800 (PST)
I ended up going full time... our visitors (son and wife) were kind enough to let me play. The inv L was the only wire used..... the band scores tell which bands worked... To: 3830 at
/archives//html/SECC/2006-01/msg00102.html (7,404 bytes)

340. [SECC] NE4S CQ 160 CW (score: 64)
Author: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 07:57:22 -0800 (PST)
Thanks to all the SECC and Neighbors for Qs. Congrats to the team at W4AN... Super!!! Posted to 3830, log to CQ. CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW Call: NE4S Operator(s): NE4S Station: NE4S Class: Single Op L
/archives//html/SECC/2006-01/msg00143.html (7,079 bytes)

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